Yay!! I passed the theoretical exam for my driver's license! XD Of course I'm good and got 0 (out of 10 allowed) faults. 8D Same for my brother! Hopefully we will do comparably well in the practical exam. (I don't know what it's called in English..or if driving schools in other countries even require theoretical and practical exams?!)
Also I had my second driving lesson. O__O I just say... the poor car.. xD;; But I'm already doing better. Tomorrow is the next lesson. *_* Oh I'm driving a Opel Meriva btw.
This one. I don't like the color very much but the car is ok. though I rather wanted to drive a Nissan ;_;
Livejournal has send me a notice about the additional space for my scrapbook. The payment subscription will expire by the end of next week so I will have only 2 instead of 10gb storage space left. I'm going to delete our pictures from Japan by then (oldest first, newest last) so if someone still might save or just look at them he/she should do that until the end of next week. ^^;
Third news. I got accepted at both universities which I applied for! o_O For the study courses "Modern Japan" plus "Sociology" in Düsseldorf and "Asia Sciences" in Bonn. (<- I translated the names literally) Actually I haven't expected that they actually want to take me in because of my bad highschool diploma. *lol* And ... I already accepted the thought about starting an apprenticeship. Which would also a bit better for me because I would have a proper profession afterwards and earn some money in the training... if I find a company. >.>; Everything is complicated in Germany... ^^; Studying (again) isn't a bad idea at all ... but the universities are on the other side of Germany and are expensive..and with Japan-related courses you have no real profession afterwards. ^^'
I will try to find a company but if I'll find nothing by the end of August I will give the study-idea a third thought. *_*; Though I'm not sure if I'm ready for more long years at university... I failed so hard in the other study course last time. *has bad trauma and some fears* orz
Headache! I continue playing Jack Keane now~~ (David Nathan = ♥!) And buy Persona 3 already! >O Someone willing to send me the DoubleJump guide for cheap??? :D? The best offer I found is about US$27 incl. shipping at play-asia. :/
Speaking of play-asia. I got Mawaru Made in Wario, aka Wario Ware Twisted, last week! XD It was a weekly offer and quite cheap so I couldn't resist. ^^' And it's so much fun! I love looking stupid when playing games! *twists her DS* XD For those who don't know the game. It has a built in motion sensor which means you have to turn your handheld a bit to control the game. Looks stupid and boring to others but is fun to play for me. XD
TEH HELL?! Where does that thunder on that quite sunny evening come from?? o__Ô