It's been some days already... so why is tripod still not working?!? I want my header image and moodtheme back! T_T *is too lazy to change the url in her style definitions* I hope they manage to fix their hardware problem soon. >_>
Good news! I got 5 more icons for my one year paid account abo!!! w00t!! XDD Time to add a Vexen icon. *needs one first* Yesterday I read the 2nd CoM Manga a bit and manga!Vexen cracks me up to no end! fufufufu~ *rofl* I don't think I will be able take him serious in the game anymore. xD ...was he even meant to be taken serious? >D
I also read a summary for the Another Report Roxas novel. That thing is sooooo cute!!! ;3; When reading the summary I felt like reading a fanfiction. *lol* (I wonder I have the Another Report still here... I want to try to read it in Jap) That thing is fully written just and only for AkuRoku fans! So many hints. *amused* XD
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! asghasghfjadhjasgkjaslköa!!! T_____T *dead from the Akuroku emo moments* I want to play the game!!!!!! ...and die even more fangirl deaths. *rofl* XDDD
Squeenix surely is pimping the AkuRoku fanbase! *lol* Maybe all that footage are reparations (word?)... I mean for their initial plan to let Axel die at the beginning of KHII. xD;
Yesterday: BLEACH! After one week break. It got a new OP and ED... and honestly I don't like them. -_-; The vid for the OP is great (no Vizards! >0< but anyway cool!) but the song kinda sucks... and the ED is total crap imo. *sighs* :/
And did they change the animation staff within the episode? That scene with Grimmy fighting emo!Ichigo looked rather weird. x_x I want the old Bleach style from the episodes <60 back. ;_; *whines* Well, despite all thos complaints I'll watch it because I want to see the Allankar and Vizards in action and color. *is lame* ...and of course because of Morita~ (the overacting is so amusing) XD;
Back to rl:
The last week we used our days off from work to pack and send our piles of stuff and books home. You can't imagine how much stuff was stored in our small 6 tatami room! I can't believe it myself either. *lol* (Fortunately most of the things weren't mine. xD;) We already filled John's suitcase, who visited us in March, with really much from our belongings/useless clothes but anyway there was so much left. I can't remember how many packages Sandra already sent, and they all weren't small. o_O but I for myself had just one big package and still have one left to send. The books (manga, artbooks, magazines, etc...) are now, hopefully safe, in special M-bags aka kitbags on a ship on their way to Germany. ..althogether we had three kitbags to 30kg of books... and there are still a few books left! TEH HELL! But the M-bags were the cheapest way to send them home. ^^' It costs 13450yen for 30kilo of printed matter. Which sounds much at first but actually is a very good deal. I hope everything, also the other packages with my precious shit, will arrive safely home! That stuff is irreplacable if something gets lost. T_T
Oh Kanji lesson on tv! They explain something about the lenght of the strokes and the spaces between the differrent parts of certain kanji. Interesting. o.O Oh now one of my favourite Kanji! 森! XD
I think I also uploaded some new photos recently. hum..*searches link* ... A right, we went to Kudanshita and Ueno to watch some cherry trees. =D They are really as beautiful as shown on all those postcards and images! No, actually they are even more beautiful in real! *__* But it's very hard to catch that on photos... -.-; And unfortunately the weather wasn't good too. The cherry blossoms definitaly must be seen in real! But anyway,
take a look at Sandra's pictures please! =D
small preview
Sup what else? Tomorrow's work again. ~_~ I don't want to! They increased the number of rooms which we have to clean to 12 two days ago. That's so many in that short time! ;_; But it's only a few days... and we need money! xD; As said I still have to send some stuff home. Also we want to travel around a bit and see some more from Japan before we have to leave.
Last but no least: please watch our new movie!
A Geek's Nightmare (Version 2b xD)
It's random...and maybe nobody will get what actually the nightmare is...but anyway. xD (..and yes that's me playing the geek.. I'm a really good geek I guess ... ~_~;)