more space!

Feb 17, 2007 22:19

Ok we got 10 GB Extra Storage Space for 6 months for my scrapbook. =D (actually it's only 8gb. and 10gb in total..whatever)
That means... more pictures~~~ and I don't need to delete older ones now. The 2gb space were already full. ^^; So please go to my gallery and look at our Japan pics! xD;

Here are the new pictures from last weekend in Chino (Nagano).

We went there to work in C'est la vie again and also used the time to ski! *_* Not that I can ski.. that was my first time on ski.. but Cha (a Taiwanese who works in the hotel too atm) showed me the basics and I even was brave enough to take the lift and go down from a higher place of the mountain on the second day. ^^v It was much fun and I definitaly want to ski next year in Germany too. And I also want to try snowboard sometime. lol XD

Well what else... nothing really new. ^^; Work everyday.. sometimes shopping of "useless" things in the afternoon. .. my DS's touchscreen still behaves strange.. and bought Picross DS which I'm playing like a maniac atm. lol It's really cool and you even can play against other ppl via Wi-Fi. I'm too slow to win but it's fun anyway. XD

Sup, I'll go off for miso soup dinner~ that's all what's left in our fridge and cupboard. ._.;

Ohhhh~~~ I almost forgot. They revealed the KH2:FM+ cover!!! *_____* ITSSOPRETTYILOVEIT! Sora and Riku goodness in the background~~ w00t!! XDDD
I can't wait for the game!! ^0^

chino, ski, personal ranting, lj

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