back in black (this subject sucks..)

Nov 14, 2006 23:51

We're back in Tokyo~~~ wheee~ and the storm blows us out of our room! (hell... is that even english?...) o.O Why does it storm everytime we return from Chino to Tokyo? That's really strange.

Actually we came back yesterday night but I spent the time until now with sleeping and playing Pokémon Diamond. xD; We were even too lazy to go out buying groceries... *sweatdrop* I wish our fridge would fill itself overnight. XD' It's so empty right now.. really unusal but a good chance to clean it. *lol* Otherwise it might look like the old fridge which was removed shortly after we moved here soon. @_@;

Chino was fun! It's already getting winter there, the trees lost their leaves and the temperatures are about the same which are currently in Germany. *lol* I walked through the first snow and ice of this season. Asami-chan is back in Tokyo for real now(XD;) and we got a new co-worker, Hiroko-san aka Hiro, and she has a suuuuuuuuuuper cuuuuuuute Shiba dog named Kai!!! Shiba inu are the best! She is sooo cute and cool (and so stubborn lol)! <3
I want to have a Shiba when I'm back and if it's possible! So much love for them!! ;3;
Last week in the hotel was special because the Suite Room is nearly finished and so some people from a magazine and the TV came to make pictures and a documentation about the hotel. We didn't see much from the magazine people but the television guys were fun! They were a bit hyper and they even brought their own model for their project. *lol* It was really interesting! I hope we get a copy when its finished. (and I hope they cut the scene where I was filmed OMG! *hides*) It will be on TV sometime next month but we don't know the channel yet. ^^' Maybe it's one we can't receive because the crew were from satellite tv or something. :/

We also had two days off because it wasn't busy during the be exact there wasn't even a single guest on most days *lol* so we went to Matsumoto castle on Monday. We wanted to go to the Ukiyo-e gallery too but it was closed Mondays. Bad luck! T_T But Tomoko said that she will go there with us another time. yay! X3
There's not much to see in Matsumoto besides of the castle but that was awesome! It was preserved and still like it was some hundred years ago and you could go inside and walk through it. (the stairs killed us though.. x_X they were especially steep for better defence if someone invaded the castle..ugh)

Next month is Christmas! I want to go to Disneyland!! We saw an ad on tv today and everything looks so corny! *rofl* (is there a better English word for "kitschig"??)

But before Christmas its Jump Festa time!! YEAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! MORIIITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

THE CHANCE!! maybe my last for now... to see him! <33 Unfortunately the BLEACH stage performance is at 9:30 on Saturday morning ... just after the Festa started! o_O I need to get there in time to get a good place to see Mogitaeverything properly! (and for Sandra a proper place to take the essential pictures for me! >D *will bribe her with something then* ;0;)

I still wonder if there's an entrance fee?! There's nothing like that stated at their homepage. ?_? *clueless* I cannot waste my time in the morning to row up in a looong line to buy some tickets. T__T;; I hope Morita-oniisan will cut his hair beforehand *rofl*.. he looks so ...uhm well ...a bit weird..?! with his current hairstyle. ._.; Shorter hair suits him better imo. ^.^;; I know I have serious problems~ XD
Another good news is that Rui-san will also be there! *__* w00t!! I need to stalk want to meet her again and talk to her a bit ... and hope that I don't forget all my crappy Japanese again because of excitement. ;_;
If everything goes well on that special weekend I really can die happily afterwards! *lol* well of course not because Kingdom Hearts II:FinalMix+ will be released next year. *geeky* XD~♥
...but speaking of death... my right foot just left me. x_x

Masako-san seems to have found back to a normal circadian rhythm. Which means she's awake during the day and asleep at night again - not vice-versa like it was when the Boston guy lived here. xD;;
On the one hand that's good but on the other hand not because we always have to "fear" that she will talk...and talk...and talk...and talk when she sees one of us. ^^; I like to talk with her but not when she tells the same stories over and over and doesn't seem to notice that she told them already. *lol*
The most up-to-date Kettle House story btw is about a new but still unknown resident with big feet. Nobody knows who he is, how long he will stay nor has seen him. We just discovered a small bike and a pair of really big shoes in the entrance as well as some bags in Shizuo's old room. If that's not strange!? XD We shall investigate that case further.

Perfect topic change:
Tomorrow's Death Note day!! Probably... if it's really lady's day in our cinema. *lol* 1000 yen sounds by far better than 1800. xD; I still contemn the choice of Light's actor (and I cannot say that often enough lol) but we missed the first movie in cinema and L is so awesome, I want to see at least the second one in time and on a bigger screen than our tv. *lol* Much love for L formerly known as Shin! <3
btw the new NANA movie will also be on screen soon I think! I want to see it too~~ Which reminds me that I still need to force Sandra to watch the first movie with me. >D ...besides I still wanna watch the Hachikuro and Mushishi movies. ;_; So much interesting stuff here in Japan! lol :D~♥

Ok enough for know xD; I know I forgot a thousand things I wanted to write. I might throw them randomly in later or in the next entries~
Of course Sandra took many awesome pictures in Chino (Nagano) again!! *_* We will pick some out and upload them tomorrow ...or so. X3

PS: the new VG Cats is great. LOL!

chino, japan, fangirling, work, personal ranting

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