OMG!! The package from my parents at home (Germany) finally arrived!!! XDDDDDD After 6 weeks! o_O; (The postman was funny btw! *lol*) It contained a bunch of chocolate, Nutella *rofl*, tea+sweetener and a cute lion mobile chain. awww~ <3
So many tasty sweets~~ w00t!! ^0^
It's a reference to
this picture. *rofl*
w00t! And we watched X-Men 3 today! XD In crappy quality but it was better than nothing. ^^; We might watch it in the movie theater in September. buhuu~ there was no Nightcrawler~ *cries* but many other cool mutants! *lol* Now I want even another sequel!! T__T
We also went to the Assocation for Working Holiday Makers again on Tuesday and the woman there suggested us a summer job in Nagano as hotel staff. o_O She said that the woman there (Uchiyama-san) is really nice and we should try it because we would get free accomodation(and food!) if we work there. plus she said that it's better to make the appointment in Japanese (...) *gasp* @_@;
Fortunately we have Masako-san here, hehe. So we asked her to help us a bit and tell us some easy sentences which we can say at the phone when making the call for the job. XD We also could've talked in English but of course it makes a better impression if we try to talk Japanese. ^^; I already called yesterday but Uchiyama-san wasn't available so I had to call again today.. T__T
This time it went smoother and I got Uchiyama-san on the phone quickly. She was really nice!! And since I said that we are from Germany via the WH Visa I guess she spoke extra clear and a bit slower so that I can understand her better. X3 I told her that we are two people who want to apply for the job, then she asked if we are girls or something (I hope I understood it right *rofl*). After that she asked when we could work but I didn't know another word so I just said "ima sugu" (now!) and I think she was a bit amused by that. *lol* At last she offered us an interview!! woohoo~ that means she still needs or wants to employ people. ^o^ She told me the meeting place again and gave me her phone number and wanted me to call her when we are at the hotel (it's in Tokyo) where the interview will take place. That's the part where I got some problems understanding her because she was using "weird" words when saying that, I didn't know them. T_T I asked her if she can say it again in English and then I finally understood correctly. ^^;; (at least I hope so *lol*)
Well, let's pray that we are successful tomorrow and get the job!! That would be so awesome! がんばります!>_<
I'm a bit proud of myself that I managed it to make the whole call in Japanese (of course with the help of Masako beforehand!)! *giggles* X3
[edit]...irgendwie riecht's hier grad nach Plinsen. o_O Das muss ne geruchliche Täuschung sein!