LiveJournal vs Dreamwidth?

Apr 15, 2017 13:35

Okay, so a lot of people who've held out on LiveJournal for a long time are now making a move to Dreamwidth due to the recent ToS changes. This has always been a small comm and I'm not sure how many of the original membership are still here lurking or have already left the site, so, a question for the remainder: would you prefer doomfans to remain here on LJ or relocate to Dreamwidth?

I'm not going to delete the LJ version of the comm or my personal LJ whatever's decided (apart from anything else, all the image hosting on older entries is through LJ scrapbook) but if we do make a move to Dreamwidth I'd rather just make a clean break and only post there than faff about with crossposting. If you don't have/want a Dreamwidth account it would still be possible to comment on the DW version using your LJ account via OpenID.

So... what do you guys want to do?


I recently turned off anonymous commenting here to prevent an influx of spam (possibly another reason to move to DW?) but have now turned it back on so anybody who's already deleted their LJ can leave a comment. Or you can contact me on Dreamwidth at
nomadicwriter. (And don't forget the comm already has a sister version on Imzy.)

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