Fantastic Four #9 preview, New Avengers news

Jun 16, 2013 10:53

CBR has the lettered preview for Fantastic Four #9.

Okay, I confess, Mr Fraction, you have me intrigued! Reed's summary of Doom's background is a little inaccurate there, but on the other hand, it's quite interesting to view it as a summary of the info that Reed's been able to piece together over the years.

Also glad to see Mark Bagley (and the F4's consistent unsung hero, colourist Paul Mounts) bringing their A-game to this issue - I do like Bagley's art, but he can get sketchy when he's rushed. These pages look great. Actually quite excited for this issue now!

In other intriguing news, this Tom Brevoort interview about New Avengers reveals that Doom will be back next issue:

The introduction of Doom to the proceedings is not a one off, minor thing. We'll see him again immediately in "New Avengers #7, so he's definitely a player on the chessboard at this point.

Looks like the long, Doomless drought may finally be over! (...This is going to be bad news for my wallet.)

comic:new avengers, interviews, writer:matt fraction, comic:fantastic four, writer:jonathan hickman, previews, artist:mark bagley

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