(no subject)

Jan 30, 2008 18:38

First day back. Really enjoyed it - I was somehow picked to be a mentor to the new year elevens (what? How? The only thing I did last year was get in trouble!) which made me really pleased, because dude, I have been pumped about the new kids! I made friends with about half a dozen of them (Tegan, Dominique, Kyle, Michael, Georgia, Lousie...and some other kid. Haha, sorry about that XD), which was cool. Oh! And O'Connor said like, the nicest thing to me in Software, right at the end.

Me: Hey, um, Sir? Are there any other chicks in this class?
Him: Yeah, she's not here today - her name's .
Me: Huh, never heard of her. Is she new? Why isn't she here today?
Him: You don't need to worry about her, Megan. If there's anyone in this class who I'm sure will pass with flying colours, it's you. I have complete confidence in you.
Me: *dies of omg, thanks Sir*

So that was nice :)

Lalalalala, just paid for my Hos, which is cool, because now I can email them about my GOODIES! :D

Which reminds me: I'm getting an objectification picspam from bitter_crimson, but I don't know which body part to objectify! D:/ Help me, flist!

sweet charity, school, internet, rl

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