(no subject)

Jan 27, 2008 04:00

So. Bidding in Sweet Charity brings me great joy, mostly because apart from one or two of the people I'm bidding on, I don't mind if I win or not. It's been fun bidding, and deciding upper limits and then increasing those and then realising that, hah, actually, I have no idea how many of my hypothetical dollars I've been spending, and mostly, I don't care. If I lose people, I don't mind, because I don't know most of them, I don't know how good they are, I was just bidding because they had low bids and seemed lonely. If I win people, I will be gleeful, no matter how good they are.

So. Happy. For now.

I just hope I win bitter_crimson. If I don't, you'll see me descend into the depths of S!C!Rage.

But apart from that, it's all a bonus. (unless I somehow spend like, a billion dollars accidentally. Because I don't have that kind of money! Who does?)

And yeah. Defs going to sell myself next time. :)

Also - hai. At the top left of the screen on the Sweet Charity site, what does the Current Hos: $10422.48 bit mean?

query, sweet charity, internet

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