[BRIEFINGS] - About himself

Nov 18, 2010 21:00

Here you will find transcriptions of the Briefing Files in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker involving Huey. Be warned, here there be spoilers.

Electronic Cigarettes
BB: Hey Doc, what was that you were smoking in the lab? It looked like a cigarette, but it wasn't lit.
H: It's an electronic cigarette. I designed it myself. Pretty neat, huh?
BB: Electronic. Cigarette.
H: Yep. A liquid in the filter that turns into vapor, and you inhale the microparticles.
BB: So that was vapor.
H: I'd actually rather be smoking normal cigarettes, but not in that room... The smoke would wreck the precision equipment in there, ruin all its wiring. But the vapor is just steam. It doesn't contain tar or anything like that. So I can smoke it in the lab with no worries.
BB: Nice.
H: Want to try one?
BB: Nah, I'll stick with cigars.
H: Yeah, but...
BB: I don't like imitations - the real thing's always better.
H: OK. But you know, sooner or later smoking's going to become very unfashionable across the world. It hurts you and those around you. Electronic cigarettes might not seem so bad then.
BB: Yeah, when that happens, I'll think about it.

Impact on Genes
BB: You said your dad was involved in the Manhattan Project, right?
H: Yeah.
BB: And you think that's why you can't walk?
H: ...I dunno. Actually, you know, probably not. So far nobody's found evidence that exposure to radiation in parents causes genetic defects in children, except for those exposed in the womb... Epidemiologically speaking, anyway.
BB: That's the conclusion of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission?
H: Right. The ABCC commenced its study immediately after the war. And it's still ongoing.
BB: Even now, 30 years later...
H: The effects of radiation exposure last a long time. I'm guessing it'll be another ten years before we get a real verdict on whether it affects genes. Granted, it's the most massive study anybody's ever done. But that's really all it is - a study. The ABCC brought in bomb victims and ran tests on them, but they didn't treat them.
BB: Really... them too, huh...
H: At any rate, that's what my father made me believe when I was growing up...
BB: Maybe it was tough for your dad to explain. Ever think of that?
H: Yeah, maybe. But this is my problem now, Snake. I have to face the nukes head on, whether I like it or not. My creations are being used for the wrong purposes. The onus is on me to stop it somehow. Help me, Snake.

Role in Mother Base
H: Hey! As long as I'm here at Mother Base, why not assign me to the R&D team? You could use a guy like me.
BB: Glad to have you on board. I'm sure Kaz is, too.
H: Once I've got the necessary materials and design specs together, I should be able to start building you that bipedal weapon platform. Nothing would make me happier than for my research to help put a stop to Peace Walker.

briefings, ooc

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