416. Snip Snip

Jun 30, 2021 18:45

It'll be no surprise to anyone that I've been struggling with keeping up on Livejournal lately. Part of me thinks that's good, because it means I'm doing other things, but another part of me is sad because this is my safe space, where I literally have made some of my best friends. So, I'm going to have to do a wee friends cut.

I know no one has to explain themselves when they do these, but I do want to make sure that everyone knows I don't do it out of callousness or to be mean. There are some people that are lovely, that I have had on my friends list for years, but we just don't interact very much. Sometimes I think friendships online can be very one sided, and I don't mean "oh, you never comment on my posts but I always comment on yours," because that's not true at all - there's journals that I often just find myself unsure of what to say, or it's content is stuff that I don't feel like I can say anything. Sometimes friends just drift apart, and whilst it's sad, it's how we grow.

I want to keep my Livejournal life for as long as possible, and I've been here for almost 16 years, but I don't want to continue to find myself feeling a build up of anxiety over needing to constantly catch up, when we all have lives offline, too.

So, if you're reading this message and I've unfriended you, please don't think I'm doing it because I'm mean, or because I don't like you; I'm doing it because it's not fair on either of us if I never comment on you, or you don't interact with me, even if once upon a time we used to. I am sending so, so much love to everyone and if our paths cross again, I will meet you there ♥

! temp. public post, ! interlude

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