Title: the clockmaker's dilemma (Across the Universe 08)
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Rating/Warnings: M
Genre: angst/drama/mafia
Characters/Pairings: Yamamoto, Gokudera, other khr cast (8059)
Word Count: 17,837 (part one only)
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and all affiliated characters and settings are the creative property of Akira Amano, Shueisha, Weekly Shounen Jump, and any other companies holding the title to its license and distribution (VIZ Media, etc.). Used without permission for non-profitable entertainment purposes.
Notes: This is part 1 of 2 or 3. (It keeps growing!) This already is the longest installment of the series and it's not even done yet. Many thanks to
arwentyan for pre-reading what I've written so far! ♥ This is mostly unbeta'd aside from my own comb-throughs.
Also, this is currently hosted on AO3 only. I will only be posting there from here on out.
I know this is way out of the blue, but if you happen to stop by and read, please do let me know!
Yamamoto tells himself he’s doing this for the Vongola-for his famiglia.
“Liar,” his conscience replies. “You’re doing this for you.” * again, link is to AO3, fic is not hosted here