You know what's beautiful? Having a finale of Doctor Who that didn't make me cringe in "Oh God why am I watching this" embarrassment.
In fact...wait. Yes. I don't think I cringed ONCE this entire season.
It was beautiful.
1. I love intricate plots that involve tiny clues seeded into earlier scenes (POA is my favorite Potter book, after all) , and this season was gloriously full of that.
2. RORY. I was so afraid he was going to be Another Lame Normal Boyfriend, and he went through a Crouching Moron Hidden Badass transformation that rivals Mickey Smith. I was SO HAPPY when he outright punched the Doctor.
2a. RORY GOT A HAPPY ENDING. Thus far, anyway. I was all prepared, when River was going on about how the Doctor had to pilot the Pandorica and would seal himself out of time, for Rory to be all like "well, I'm an Auton and I've already been erased, let me go instead". But no! Also, I now find Arthur Darvill to be hot in that scrawny dork way. Just like Matt Smith. Amy, you lucky thing.
3. Matt Smith is glorious. I remember when I was groaning about getting another weird-looking young hipster in the role, and I'm so happy I was so wrong. Yes, sometimes his quirks seem a bit contrived, but...The Doctor's about to be erased from existence, and instead of scenery-chewing and swelling strings, we see him hunched over, whispering to a sleeping child.
3a. Also, nerd dancing.
4. I have come to love River, even if it's mostly because of her AWESOME hair.
5. Well, crap, I haven't said anything about Amy yet. But this? "I remember you, and YOU ARE LATE TO MY WEDDING!" That was so, so perfect. Also, I love any story involving submerged memories. "No, I'm sad....why am I so sad?" and then seeing the bowtie and the braces and the book and bringing it all together.
6. The Big Damn Nerd in me is disappointed that we had lots of timeline crossing and multiple incarnations, and NOT ONE namedrop of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect. Come on. That's an awesome name. Say it. Isn't it awesome?
7. Okay, last one. My disappointment from the last point is completely obliterated in my love for TARDIS, Party of Three (And Sometimes Four if River Drops By). I love multiple companions! And multi-season arcs! FWEE!
8. Okay, THIS is the last one. And it's just a repeat of something on who_anon: If the Doctor has essentially rebooted the universe, does that mean we get Gallifrey back?
In other news, have received, completed, and returned that test for the prospective job, and...I have no idea how I did, to be honest. The ball's out of my court right now; I'm just hoping against hope that I didn't completely screw it up and I have a chance at this. I'm trying very hard not to count pre-hatched poultry, but I can't help but imagine the joy on my husband's face should I tell him a)he can quit that hated weekend job, and b) I'll pay my own damn bills, thankyouverymuch.
So, yeah. Thoughts, prayers, good vibes - all would be appreciated.