I sense a great disturbance in the Force?

Sep 20, 2007 22:11

 I'm a terminal insomniac.  I normally go for weeks only getting about three or four hours of sleep a night.  So when I do sleep it's usually a very deep sleep.  I think that may be why I don't normally remember my dreams.  (Except the one where I'm being chased by a giant marshmallow with a spork...)  With that in mind, I have to wonder why I remember last night's dream so well.  In my dream I took a friend of mine to see a movie.  As it turns out the movie was all about her life.  Her part was played by Milla Jovavich (honest).  And I wish I could say I was surprised to see Ben Stiller playing me.

Even in my dreams I get no respect.

I'm sure no one's really interested in my dreams.  I just like taking the opportunity to laugh at myself.

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