Mar 27, 2006 02:26
walking all night long at relay for life.
doing the crab walk and then the wheelbarrow race.
reading and walking at the same time.
getting laughed at for the above.
getting to see friends and complain about things without giving details.
setting the alarm for 2:30p.m.
eating krispy kreme donuts for breakfast and lunch.
having someone else do my hair.
putting on tons of makeup (tons for me anyway).
and a tiara (something i sure thought i'd never do).
eating at texas roadhouse in a formal dress.
getting strange looks for eating at texas roadhouse in a formal dress.
dancing without feeling stupid.
wearing the top of a formal dress with ripped up jeans and slippers.
not setting the alarm.
$3 laundry.
movies in the middle of the afternoon.
marking papers of the to-do list.
singing the sound of music with friends who actually know the words.
running on adreniline and not being tired all weekend.