May 16, 2004 22:18
I remember Joyce once telling me that her place where she can really "think" was her bed right before she fell asleep. That's where she thought of her campaign speech and ideas for projects, etc etc. I think my equivalent to her bedroom is the bathroom. The bathroom is my safe haven where I can think of a thesis for my essays, where I can thoroughly think through relationship problems, and just a place to let my mind go free. haha... too bad I can't take my finals in there. I think most people take their bathroom for granted (If i became a billionaire instantly, the first thing I would do is install a TV in my bathroom... you know like the ones where the mirror changes into a tv? that would be pretty cool)
Nehoo back to reality.
So i went to wangOOOOOOOOOO tangOOOOOOO yesterday. Or so thats what all the performers called it when they came on stage (i cringed everytime they screamed out those two annoying words... good thing Clay didn't do it) Well it got pretty boring after Clay performed (since thats who we came to see anyway)He was brilliant as always. I swear that boy never dissappoints. I actually think he sings better live than recorded. I guess thats cause the record company makes him downplay his singing skills, so people can actually sing along to his cd's. But yeah everyone else at the concert didn't really catch our fancy.
Hillary Duff did a superb job lipsyncing her songs. (and it got even worse when her LOSer older sister came on stage... riding on her little sister's fame.. that's so sad).
but the lamest act of all was dun. dun. dun! - JC CHASEZ! yes the old fart from nsync (and i'm not just hatin' cuz he called Clay annoying) Man.. guys out there need to realize that when it comes to trying to be sexy... you need to be subtle. not go around screaming "ALL DAY LONG I DREAM ABOUT SEX!" cuz that aint jsut come off as some nasty horny pervert and its a huge turn off. You need to hint at it (i.e. Clay's "the way that you tease me") now thaaaaats sexy. HAHA (shuttup i know y'all are laughing at me or giving me ugly looks with raised eyebrows) What's even worse was that during JC Chasez's performance there were these two fat girls sitting next to us, groovin' to his beats and sticking their fat butts in ourfaces. See what you do JC? you inspire fat ugly girls to dance like madwomen. ugh.
(ok I don't mean to sound cruel, even though i know i do. I'm all for plus-sized women dancing and dressin however they want. I mean if they got the confidence then go for it! but at the time, considering the situation I was in, and how turned off I was at the time by JC Chasez's performance, I was angry at the world).
Neway enough about that. what did i expect? it was wango tango afterall.
I'm looking forward to this week. I can't believe USC and Berkeley and mt. sac are already out or almost out, and I barely finished my mid-terms.
BSB update (due to popular request):
they came out as special guests at wango tango and they announced they are making a new album. and they also sang acapella to a song on their new album! and Aj had spotted leopard hair! as;ldkfj!