Apr 24, 2008 12:33
Wow I haven't been on here for a very long time, almost a year.
This is what's new with me. I started community college in August. I also finally got my driver's license. Yay!
In October my dermatologist did an oporation on me to remove some of the drainage under my arm, I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, not fun. He also had me on Enbrel for some reason. Well it was all fine until Christmas Eve.
I began to notice a pain in my feet, I didn't think nothing of it, just that maybe I pulled something. Then on Christmas eve I noticed my foot became red by my ankle. I thought I must have brused it some how. A few days later my other foot started to hurt and got red. The pain was so bad I couldn't stand up for very long. My mom and dad got worried and thought that it must be a side effect from the Enbrel. Sure enought they read the booklit and this was one of the side effects. My father took me to my doctor on New Year's eve, and by this time my feet where swollen, I could barely walk. She agreed with my parents that it was the Enbrel and gave me some steriods to help the swelling. It helped for a while but when I ran out of it the next week my feet got red and swollen again only worse. My mom took me to the doctor but my doctor wasn't in so we saw the one on call. He told us it wasn't Diabetes, like my sister was conviced it was (she's really annoying), but that it was because of the steroids, that my kidneys took a back seat to them and that I need to be weened off of them so that my kidneys will slowly start working on there own again. He gave use a perscription for more but told us to get my blood draw because he wanted to make sure everything was fine and he'd call us to tell us to get the perscription filled.
So the next day we waited but my parents got worried because my feet started turning purple. After I made a few calls to the doctors office, my mom called. I little bit after the doctor had called back and told my parents to take to the ER because my white blood cells were extremely high.
At the ER I had to be rolled around in a wheel chair because it was so painful to walk. The first young doctor thought it was diabetes but we told him it wasn't. Finely the older doctor I saw called my doctor for the blood results. Then I got rolled around in a bed to get X-rays of my foot to make sure there wasn't any infection in my bones. After a while a nurse came in and told us they where going to keep me over night and I got hook up to an I.V. I didn't get to my room until 11:30 and my parents left me afterwards. My room was in the womens ward and was very nice almost like a mini hotel room. The nurse was very nice too. But even with that I could fall asleep very easily.
The next morning my dad came to see me. We watch tv until the doctor came in. He was also very nice. Aparently I was the youngest one in the women's ward. He told us that he was going to keep me there another day so they could see if I improved with the antibiotics they were giveing me. Then my mom and brother and sister came and gave me flowers. All the nurses I had where very nice to me. They thought I was very sweet because I never complained or anything. Tee Hee.
The next day my feet were almost back to normal, they where no longer swollen and I could walk again. The doctor let me go home. Yay! I was a little sad though because I was really going to miss getting juice whenever I wanted. LOL
Anyway so the doctor had wanted me to follow up with my doctor and my dermatologist. When my doctor saw me she told me how sorry she was that I ended up in the hospital. My parents where upset because all the doctor I saw in the hospital were upset I wasn't given any antibiotics. So she was sorry for that. My dermatologist on the other hand flat out denied that this was because of the Enbrel and didn't even give me anything for my feet since the infection I had was a skin infection. My mom had to ask him for something. That was the last time I saw him.
My family doctor was upset when we told her what he said and she told us, "No you're not seeing him again." She gave us a name of another derm to go to. He was very nice and gave me stuff to help my feet, which by this time where discolored and scalely. But my HS was still acting up and I got a huge open sore. He told us it wasn't the HS and that I should go to the wound care center up the road.
When I went there the nurses took pictures of my armpits for their files and measured them. The doctor came in and looked at me and told me that it was for the HS. He was going to give me more antibiotics, the same I got in the hospital and some antibacterial soup to use. I like him very much, unlike the other two derm doctors, he seems to know what he's doing and explains everything to me.
The next time I saw him he informed me of tunneling in my skin, big holes. Now I have to have my mom pack gauze into them, not fun. :(
Last week I saw him again and he was happy with the way they looked but one of the tunnels was deeper and he thinks he might have to do surgery to open it up, but luckily he wants to wait and see if it gets better. I really don't want another surgery.
So with all that going on I haven't been able to go to school this semester. I won't be going til fall.
So that's what's new with me. Sorry it's so long.