Nov 07, 2006 12:40
Ok so I haven't updated in awhile because I've been busy with school. Well sinc september I've been working on designing a hanging sign for my art class. Everyone got a different section of the room, I got airbrush. So my class was competeing against the other classes with our designs. So last week we scored the hangers on a point scale, 1400 being the highest 100 bing the lowest. So my friend Kellie two signs, one for the sink and one for the cutting board. She did an amazing job, I gave her a 1400 on both. She made a smaller version of a cutting board out of a pizza box and pipe. Then she made a foset out of pipe and have little drops of water coming out of it that spelled sink. This other kid in our class made a sign for drawing board and made a 3-D hand with pencil on a fake drawing board. My sign was pillow stuffing glued on to foam core (which was a bitch to cut into a cloud shape) and spray painted blue to look like a cloud of paint. Then I cut out letters and and airbrush shaped foam core. I paint the airbrush so that it would look like it was metal and painted the each letter. It took quit a while to finish this. After I was done I thought is looked like crap compared to my friends signs. Then I saw the other signs from the other classes. The two airbrushes I was competeing against were jokes. One was basically spray painted cardboard with the word Airbrush painted on it, the othe was the same thing only on metal. I felt much better about my airbrush. Well on friday we found out how the signs ranked, of course the drawing board was number 1 and my friends was number two and four. But I saw that the other two airbrushes beat mine out, I was only number nine. I was so angry and sad. I know I worked ten times harder than they did. I was so upset I had to go to the bathroom and cry. My friend was comforting me but I still felt angry. I'm still angry. I felt better later when I got to go to the Red Hot Chili Peppers' concert. That was fun.