Feb 16, 2004 23:07
Well not really! I probably would just be all dumb anyway!! Hahaha! my day was good! I made my roomie a birthday cake and it made him so happy that he told me "you are the best roommate in the world!" That totally made my day! And y'know what? Maybe i just am..I also bought him the new twista cd which is pretty bumpin i must proclaim. haha. Ok here's some shout outs! Holla back y'all! I need some feedback!
Amy-Thanks amylicious! You so replied to my entry! You rock way too much for your own good
Colleen-Way to go on freecell! That's way hella better than i'll ever do in that game
Caity- Hey! That dude is still interested, if you're unattached. But fyi, he's kinda 20 years old.
Liz-you'd better reply back! how's that milkshake workin out for ya up in cornell?
Murphy-Holla! That was like the first school I got into too! Way to represent! UO!
Cher-Thanks for the greeting on valentine's! It was awesome
Ryan-Cheer up man! Life's way too short to be all mopey! We all love ya man!
Matthew-thanks for chattin' it up with me, even though I know you hate me. Not really, but I know i'm not ur fave person so thanks. it was awesome
Jim-March=good times
Chris-foo', what's up? holla back
Nick-R U doin' track? Maybe i'll see ya sometime
Alright that's it I'm tired! i had three jobs and three classes today. I'm tired now! Check ya laters
Matt again