Apr 19, 2007 16:54
So, first the big thing this week is the shooting in Virginia. I do agree after reading Peggy's xanga, that at school I hear ppl saying like "did u hear, he was Asian..." or "wasn't he Chinese or something??" Uh...first of all he was Korean, not everyone who is Asian is Chinese...and I think that's one prob. we don't even know the world around, and how can we understand people. The upsetting thing is that there were SOOO many warning signs... people even joked around thinking that the murderer was him, and I guess people know, that's what intuition is, and yet no one ever reached out to him, never once figure out his side of the story. Like Peggy said it's not our job to blame...we want to blame media, stress, parenting, even just the people at the schools. We as individuals need to do our part in the present to realize the people around us...those people may just need someone to reach out to them. Even something as simple as a smile or saying hi...that can change all the difference in someone...If we have to prevent it from happening again we have to do our each individual part. It is sad to see lives broken in the world around us. Also, you can't say that this incident was all bad...seeing pictures on-line I see that dispite all of it, there is still so much hope that exists in those people's lives...and brings people together...sometimes all you really need is something that can bond people together even a tragedy like what happened on Mon. But, the main thing is that we can make a difference in the lives of other...it takes just getting out of our comfort zone and really desire to get to know someone.
Also, yesterday this guy was iono preaching I guess in the corner. The only thing I heard while I was passing by was "you guys have to turn back...my brothers and sisters Muslim is an evil religion, and you guys need to turn back. I was really close to just yell at him, and tell ask him what is his purpose...is this suppose to turn people into christians cuz it is actually turning me away from the faith...I mean I would never say that Muslim is an evil religion, I mean you can't just say that in public. And I mean r u trying to promote another shooting...I mean yea the shooting on Mon. can be a good thing but not when u're being an idiot installing rage into people...iono times like that is when I reli hate Christians, and I just went into my car and just prayed...repent even of being judgemental of that guy even when I know that God would not preach or teach his word like that.
Oh God grant me more patience...
Also, I decided to go to prom...one reason is that I can fit into my dress that I wore two years ago to my cousin's wedding...so I didn't get fat...that or I grew and the fat dispersed...haha iono who knows. But, also it is senior ball and it's something special even if it is overrated.
I'm leading worship tom. and I guess this time I'm not stressed out (thx joe for not telling me that I'm leading like today) but also I feel like I want to lead worship tom...iono weird feel inside. But yea...it's weird I only have a month and a half left of school, it's kinda scary...it hasn't reli sink in yet. But, in Tripping my teacher said that if u don't want to cruise anymore...if you don't want time to just go then just be present in the moment and it will go much slower...iono if I totally agree cuz I think I am present most of the time and time still just goes and goes...iono more investigation on that one.