Jul 30, 2005 14:03
hey hey hey sweet baby.
woah . backstreet boys are in my head =)so last night there was this concert in ac . && it was some crapping singer casey brown , then click five . THEN THE BACKSTREET BOYS. and of course me and nikki were there , singing and screaming our brains out =)! . we lost our voices , we danced the whole entire time . took hott pictures texted the backstreetboys saying "we love you guys ms&&nc later loves " AH WE WERE SO HAPPY IT GOT ON THE LITTLE TEXT THINGY BOARD. ah it was am amazing night i will never forget . oh yeah and on the way home i put my shirt on and was like hey nicole brians on my boob , and she looks on her shirt and starts tryign to lick it , it was HILARIOUS. we were crying . well anyway we took pictures they will be on myspace very soon ;] ill let you know . LOVE YOU NICOLE.
more problems going on with , guys && sheena . fuck them all sheena its not worth your time . love you.
im caught on the taste of your kiss .
♥ i love you jeff . thanks for staying up till 6am with me last night ;]