[PUBLIC and filtered]

Jan 06, 2010 23:21

*Inside his room, there's a shuffling sound before a sound of a nose blowing into a rag could be heard, followed by some sniffling. Demyx has had a cold since his delivery job with Luppi, and he has since been not.. doing work.*


*The sound of rushing water is soon followed by the sneeze along with a splash*

Oh dear I'm getting water everywhere. I - *sniff* I should get some soup or something. My head is pounding and my body aches.


Sorry everyone... I've been just really out of it these... ugh.. past few days. I-I don't mean to. *Water can be heard, splish splashing at his feet as he walks across his room*

I better get this clean up soon... SHOOT. It went under the door. Oh man now it's in the hall.

public, filtered: silvana

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