[Voice | Filtered to the Silvana]

Sep 15, 2009 19:13

*sounds quiet, the sound of the light wind of the badlands behind him*Man, even though we're out of the ship, and staking out outside it and all. It's still scary to realize that hey, someone killed this Morris guy. Poor fella ( Read more... )

voice, filtered: silvana

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[Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 04:16:10 UTC
I'm sorry.

I've been aware of a murderer's presence aboard the Silvana, and I'm still in the process of determining the person's identity. However, I have realized that I lack the strength to find him -- or her -- quickly enough, and I apologize.

Regardless, please don't worry about it. While I may not be able to handle this immediately, I will take care of it. If you need anything, just inform me, and I'll see what I can do. By the way, if you want to practice, I wouldn't mind training with you. That is, once the situation with the ghost is resolved, which, I assure you, is a problem we'll remedy soon enough.


[Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 04:26:10 UTC
Y-You don't have to feel so... solely responsible for this guy! And you don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong at all. It's just me being my worrywart self, I suppose! I-I mean I'm not.... that scared of a bloody thirsty killer...

*takes a moment to pause and swallow....*
T-Training? Well I dunno... My water can get out of hand sometimes, and I wouldn't wanna hurt you really badly or anything!


[Filtered to Demyx | Unhackable | Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 04:51:56 UTC
I see. Either way, it's still part of my responsibilities to put an end to this person's endeavors. Since this is something I'll be handling, you only need to remain prepared at all times, and stop worrying about it. Dwelling on your fears won't help, and it'll only give your opponent an opening. In other words, be alert and sharpen your skills, but don't keep focusing on the dilemma.

It's alright. I can heal myself with my artes, so you won't need to hold back.


[Filtered to Tear | Unhackable | Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 04:56:28 UTC
I-I'm sorry it's just that I've never been so close to a murder before! I was a son of a fisherman really, and we weren't near the town or anything of the sort. I mean what if I walk by the murder tomorrow?! I am confident in my skills, but they can only go so far!

And if you say so... We can do that whenever you'd like.


[Filtered to Demyx | Unhackable | Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 05:10:47 UTC
...That doesn't make sense. If you're truly confident in your skills, you won't believe you have a limit. Look, tell me something -- while I understand that you're unaccustomed to dealing with a crime in such close proximity, are you intending to face it or just run away?

Very well.


[Filtered to Tear | Unhackable | Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 05:16:13 UTC
I don't know... I really don't know! I've never faced anything like this before. I wouldn't know what to do in that kind of situation.


[Filtered to Demyx | Unhackable | Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 05:20:58 UTC
First, calm down. Don't let your emotions influence your actions and consume your thoughts. Clear your mind of any fears. If it helps, momentarily focus on something else, like the wind, your breathing, or even the sound of my voice.

Can you do this?


[Filtered to Tear | Unhackable | Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 05:23:08 UTC
*takes in a shaky breath before he sighs, just as unstable as his inhale, trying to calm himself down*

Ah... Y-yeah. I can... Clear... my thoughts... the wind...


[Filtered to Demyx | Unhackable | Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 05:45:19 UTC

Now, are you ready to listen with your mind? With logic and common sense, instead of your heart.


[Filtered to Tear | Unhackable | Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 05:52:59 UTC
But.... my parents always told me to follow my heart.


[Filtered to Demyx | Unhackable | Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 06:04:14 UTC
I didn't mean it like that exactly. I'm basically asking you not to think emotionally or impulsively. Although, now that we're on the subject, remember that sometimes, following your heart isn't always such a good idea. You have to determine the appropriate time for it and the appropriate time for otherwise.


[Filtered to Tear| Unhackable | Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 06:05:51 UTC
*swallows again*

O-Okay... yeah you're right. Logic. And common sense.

What kind of logic? What should I be thinking about exactly?


[Filtered to Demyx | Unhackable | Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 06:17:23 UTC
Right now, let's return to the situation involving the murderer. At this point, since you're on the Silvana, your best choice is to confront the problem. Now, by confronting, I'm not telling you to seek out the culprit.

Remember your idea to practice? You're on the right track. Never neglect your training. The more you practice, the more you'll improve. You only reach a limit when you stop.

However, even outside of training, you musn't let down your guard. Even outside the ship, you need to remain alert. Do you have any idea of what this means?


[Filtered to Tear | Unhackable | Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 06:19:43 UTC
Yes I do understand what that means! I will be on my guard when I am out and about, doing my duties!


[Filtered to Demyx | Unhackable | Voice] mysterious_aura September 16 2009, 06:36:53 UTC
No. Not just when you're out carrying out your duties. It doesn't matter whether you're playing a game or out shopping for groceries. You can't let down your guard.

Carry a weapon at all times, and don't reveal your vulnerabilities so openly, like you did with this entry. If you realize that someone on the ship is a murderer, then you shouldn't expose your weaknesses to him. You'll only make yourself an easy target.


[Filtered to Tear | Unhackable | Voice] doofus_sitar September 16 2009, 06:38:13 UTC
I'm not weak! I have no weaknesses! And I only have one weapon, but I can only hit people with it and... well.... it's my sitar.


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