Are you ready to rumble?

Apr 14, 2008 01:25

The Canadiens beat the Bruins again last night. Yuck! That's TWO nights in a row now. They play in Boston tonight, so hopefully that'll help turn things around for the Bruins.

The Flames play the Sharks tonight too. I want to see them kick San Jose's ass!

Then the Pens play the Sens tomorrow night. Go Crosby!!!

Yeah, I loves me some hockey. ;D

Not sure how my blood tests from Friday morning are going to turn out. If you were able to read my entry from the other day, you'll know that I was feeling pretty down about my health, etc. after my appointment Tuesday. Well Lisa got me over to her place Thursday night, saying she had a sure fire way to cheer me up. Well her "sure fire" way of cheering me up involved my cousin (who I hadn't seen in a few weeks) and a quart of vodka. lol God love her!

I didn't get home from Lisa's until about 4am the next morning. I had to leave at 6am for the hospital. Let me tell you, two hours of sleep does not a party make! lol The blood tests weren't so bad, they only took a few viles this time around. But getting them a urine sample is what proved to be somewhat of an issue. Women cannot pee in a little cup! Especially when the person in the bathroom next to you slams their door and literally scares the "pee" outta you. Yeah, messy. But I had to laugh. lol Eventually I managed to get enough in the cup for them. If I never have to go through that again though, it'll be too soon.

I gotta go back on the 21st to go over the test results and discuss what we're gonna do next. I'm pretty sure I'll end up having to go back to my family doctor again before the end of the month too. Then I gotta go back to see my new gyne before June. Hopefully that'll be it for the Summer! *crosses fingers*

Yesterday I woke up with a really bad sore throat, which has now turned into a full blown cold. Bleh! Guess I shouldn't have gone out last night after all.

Speaking of last night, I don't think Duncan and I are friends anymore. He told me not to call him or talk to him anymore. But not as politely as that. lol Why? Because I asked him to stop shoving his girlfriend, Keri, around and to stop telling her to "Get the fuck outta my face bitch!" and to "Fuck off!!!" while we were at Heath's. I was suprisingly calm during the whole thing too, but his treatment of her was making us all, especially Keri, uncomfortable. So I had to say something. Nobody else would. Was I wrong to? =/

I'm going to start going to the gym across the street with my friend Tammy this week. She needs a "buddy" and I need someone to "show me the ropes". So it's a win-win situation. I'm sure it'll be a hoot with the two of us involved. lol

It's suppose to be pretty nice this week weather wise, so I'm going to try to take advantage of that and get some major walking in too. Already got my mp3 player loaded and ready to go!

I think that's all I had wanted to say...for now. :P
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