Senior Seminar? Sucky.

Nov 26, 2007 19:08

That's right.  Just 17 hours until I give my Bio senior sem.  Holy crap.  I'm so unprepared.  So, look at me waste time on LJ.  Woo.

Freakin' out man.
I'd rather just burrow into a pile of blankets and read a book, but no.  Instead, I must give a 45 minute presentation to the entire biology faculty and biology seniors, and after sweating through that, I get to be grilled on every aspect of the research and science behind the science.  On a set of papers I haven't read in 2 years.  Ugh.

So... time for major headaches, lots of coffee, and a big bottle of wine for afterward.
Wish me luck, or a sudden stroke of lightning to end the misery quickly.
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