and things go BAM in the night

Apr 25, 2009 11:57

Had a momentary power outage early this morning while I was simultaniously watching a movie and surfing the web. Of course this outage presented itself 10 minutes before the end of a movie I have never seen. Rude much!? I was frantically trying to get the satellite signal back up to see what happened with the movie and really wasn't that concerned about the computer.


My comp is usually fine after outages. Just tells me things were shut down without 'consent' or something or other, and asks if I want to open them up again. All good.

Not so much this error messages before anything even started to load. These are internet messages, so I restarted, and unplugged/replugged the router and the internet base.

waited for everything to get going. there are 3 comps in the house, so tried them all. Eventually all comps finally got internet...but mine.

Not good.

My comp has been in need of a clean out for some time and I've been procrastinating to the best of my abilities because it's just one of those things I actually accel at. Procrastination I mean. Lack of money has been a factor as well of course, so it's all just so typical that it would die just as I get my tax return back. In actuality that money is already earmarked for 15 other things and computer wasn't one of those things.

Needless to say, it is sitting in the computer hospital at the moment and I am stuck using my ancient and exceedingly slow lappy that I can't take off the plug because the battery died so long ago.

Still trying to decide if this VERY gorgeous day makes up for this.

Still deciding.
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