Dec 02, 2007 10:56
OMFG Dad has found baby tapes of me and Jack D:!
Kyyyaaaa i get so shy and embrassed watching myself even as a baby on film its so embrassing D:<
So i will watch them on my own sometime >_> w<;;;
Soooo today i NEED to get some work done! maybe some painting more of the puppet's head XD;; and finish off the cover in my sketchbook making the pigs look evil and crap X3
and work on FLASH >W<; even if its basic animation! so yeah i need to animate the scene with the puppet and the hand LOL WTF?!
=___=;; its so damn hard!! >W<;; but but im sure i can do it right?
Hmm since im running out of time to make cards T_________T;; so sorry! i will still send cards but doodle in them for you lovely people <3!
and i will try so badly try and finish to get some presents done...if not I WILL GIVE CHOCOLATE!! D:
Gahh my throat feels all croaky so im talking all croaky today XDXDDDDD;; but kyyaaa i wanna draw Me-tannnn's character YOSHI <3
KYYAAAAAAAAAAAA i soooooooooooooooooooooooo wannnttttttttttt tooooo D:< but work comes first =___=;;
I didn't start to write SR yet D:
I need to make designs for Ruki's mum OMFG LMFAO!
Oh hahaha i have left this entry for awhile D:<
I saw some of the tapes...omfg!
It makes me want to have a video camera for the May Expo! i want to treasure it really badly >W<; so im gonna start saving up for a video camera!
Weird feeling but im looking so forward to Christmas! <333333~~
So im gonna grab my sketchbook and hit the work for awhile!
I hope everyone has a lovely day! <3
Namiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-swaaann i hope you feel better!
EDIT: LOL k Jack wants me to draw something quick so i will! *runs downstairs and grabs pencil case*
vc for may expo,
baby tapes,
christmas stuffff,
college work,