waaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii you sound really ill im sorry u have to do work when you feel sooo shite waaaaaiii i just hope it doesn't turn into your illness i have a party to plan lol!!! *huggles* hope you feel better soon *chu!*
PARTY FAG LOL PARRRRTTTTTTYYYYY!doodlesamaOctober 5 2007, 13:40:35 UTC
OMFG first of all we need to talk T_______T;; WE JUST BLOODY DO BITCH! *stabs your phone XDDDDD;;* Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii awwwww its okay~~ LOLOOL yes party mwahahaha we will have THAT party~ hmm if i can't get in touch with you i will have to come down to your house XD;;;
*HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGLLEEESS* waiiii i'll feel better when i see you! but still thankyou!!! *CHU CHU CHU CHU*
;w; Gasara-sama! *SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME HUGGLES*doodlesamaOctober 5 2007, 13:37:08 UTC
Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i feel better today!~ still have that crappy cough though >w<;; waaiiiii awww please don't worry! >w<;;; So sorry i made you worry TT______________TT;;;~~
Waiiii of course i would!~~ i PROMISE YOU SO MUCH~! but im just gonna take some cough medicine...uh if i could find the bag XD;
Comments 5
Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii awwwww its okay~~ LOLOOL yes party mwahahaha we will have THAT party~ hmm if i can't get in touch with you i will have to come down to your house XD;;;
*HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGLLEEESS* waiiii i'll feel better when i see you! but still thankyou!!! *CHU CHU CHU CHU*
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So sorry i made you worry TT______________TT;;;~~
Waiiii of course i would!~~ i PROMISE YOU SO MUCH~! but im just gonna take some cough medicine...uh if i could find the bag XD;
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