Sep 10, 2007 08:40
Hmm mum woke me up today by asking me if she could borrow one of my bags, so yeah i let her reaching over the bed like a zombie11!! i gave her the bag : D~~ after i couldn't sleep so what do i do? yeah i go to the computer as always : D
Hmmm day off today : DDDD!! but no work to do : D so thats goood~~ ARGGHHH i need to so draw stuff D: i owe Axellllll-saaaaaaaaaaaammmaaa (Queen-ccchhaaannn) that Sora x Roxas picture LMAO hahah though yeah that pairing makes no sense~~
Roxas: WTF BBQ!?
Hahahahha *makes Roxas say weird crap LOOL* so yeah i need to try and draw that and RE-DRAW that Riku x Sora crap for Gasara-sama~~ like OMFG she is gonna get good art not some total crap D:
*keeps listening to MYV POPS <3*
Hahaha boo i have to wash my hair D:<~ hmmm so plan today~~ lets see i guess draw and try to get pass that part on KH2 ;______;FUCKING HEARTLESS I WILL KICK YOUR FAT ASSES D:
God my DA messages were filled with worried people from those stupid journals D:~~ aww i want to thank them so much for making me feel so like myself again : D~~
Still im just gonna take this day nice and easy : D! and try not to let myself be put down by anything;; hmmm so much art to draw up~~ i will need to take that nice and slow so the art will look worth looking at : D!
Hmmm since no one is at home i can put on Diru how loud i want LAWL FUCCCKKK YEAAAAAAAHHHHH~
Hahaa have Kyo's screaming echo through teh house : DDDD music to my ears :3
Oh oh i have to play more RE-DS!~~ hahha Jill kicks ass : D~~ i think im starting to love her even more than Claire~~ argghhh Chris x Jill are the OTP!!! they are BWAHAHAAH and so is of course Barry x Chris
Hmmm ohh and im so fricking happy Azi-sama has the falt again!~~ HELL YES IM STAYING when she asked i said YES STRAIGHT away~~ i so want a nice London break LOL and i need to get my Ema cosplay sorted out! : D so yes i shall go searching round the net for the skirt : D!!!!
being woke up,
ema cosplay,
azi-sama flat london,