Little of your time :3~ Spider-Man attacks my brain!

Jun 11, 2007 18:29

Must express how FRICKING GOOD MAROON 5'S NEW ALBUM- IT WON'T BE SOON BEFORE LONG - FRICKING ISSSSSSSSSSS~ ITS TOTAL LOVE YES IT IS : D~ *so happy she bought it :333~ Yeahh i love it so much more than 'Songs about Jane' yeahh squueeeeeeeeeee soo im so happy its such a good ablum :333~~ <33333<3333~

Waiiii did a little more of the mood theme today :3~ slowly getting there! veryy slowlly creeping to get there ToT;

Waaaaaaaaaiii yes and all i can say is i see SPIDER-MAN 3 stuffs everywhere :333~~ LOLs at herself*~

Hmm it seems at the moment i am the one who well how do i put this...hmm lets think...kinna like a punching bag for everyone at the moment~ hence yeah like uh Amber yeah she seems so stressed out~ and i don't know this may sound so stupid but its like i feel ignored by her XD;; ahh not it matters,
then comes to Ka-chan omfg i hope she feels better by now ;_________________________________;~ OMFG this damn Maroon 5 song its so true : O
*cough* anyway i mean yeah i hope she doesn't feel angry anymore~ in a way i feel like i once again pissed her off TT___TT;; am i a bad girlfriend/boyfriend XD???;;; sometimes i feel that way~ *cough* okay most times~ thinking i always let her down with my stupid emoness and crap like that yeah.
Yeah ahhh its just me being stupid once again XD;;~ i love her VERY VERY much and that all that matters at the moment~ her and everyone else~ 
But i hope she isn't that angry anymore~ and heck i wouldn't mind if she did take her anger out on me~ SHE DESRVES TO!~ yes she does *nods head*

*sigh* i don't know at college i just feel so igonred oh it doesn't matter hahahahaha;;; so sorry to bore you all.

college ignored, maroon 5, spider-man 3, ka-chan!

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