POTC3 sucked! D: and omfg skulls and cherries anyone?

Jun 03, 2007 17:57

OMFG yes LOL me and Ka-chan saw POTC3 today and god it sucked *LOLs at Will hahahaha XD* Yeahh geez they should of left it as 1~ yes indeed *nods head* *gets bricked by fangirls/boys hahahahaha*
It was just so stupid and amusing in parts~ LOL when it was over i shouted "BOOOO" at the screen as we left :3

OMFG~ while in Primarks! w<; *ish shot and gonna buy tomorrow yeah!* it was so cute~ and damn i love cherries too much! and yeah so *cough* i had to go and buy  a bikini :33
~ XD; LOL yeah and well *cough* it didn't take that long for me to find the right one for me *sweatdrops* waiiii skulls+ pink and black= LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ yeah!
and omfg also in Superdrugs im so tempted to buy their ice-cream umbrella~ omfg i so need to buy that : O~!!!
When i get some money i will!~ and omfg i need to buy some new clothes im sure i do D:!~ hmmm i need to sort though them this week or something!
And omfg i need to start to write down those TOS doujin ideas! Yeah but they are so amusing its goooddd to remember them *laughs*
and LOL i think i spammed Kappa with too much Zelos~ but omfg i swear while on the phone last night Zelos creeped into my mind the whole night XDXDDD

*total higggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhh!*

Hmmm i would love to sort out my room~ and i swear ! first of all i need to sort out those drawers!

*runs off to do that :3*
*looks for a TOS winamp skin O______o*

potc3, cherries, skulls, sorting out my room, ka-chan!, ice-cream umbrella, money, tos doujin ideas, bikini

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