26th-27th London Anime expo 2007 8D!

May 27, 2007 17:00

OMFG such a lovely weekend <3333~ ! Kyaaaa was so much fun <3333! and all the cosplayers were so much fun to take photos of~ XD stalking Leon and Axel was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt~ and plus i got to see 2 Zelos's so im all like HAPPY MODE WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
OMFG LOL;; some people came up to me screaming how much they loved my character WTF LOL;; i was all like "Uhhh hahahahahah" XDD; im too kind for my own good sometimes! =__=;
JUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTT OMFG~ it was greaattt!!! Azi, Kaori, Dagger, Tae WAAAII IT WAS LOVE SEEING YOU ALL AAGGAINNNN!~ oh snap that reminds me;; XD i need to send your birthday picture
dagger_calica XD;;! i should send it through email to you~ but i guess i will put it on LJ as well :3
OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG NAMMMII-SWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! meeting you again was just so great and omfg your Zelos you drew was so hot *JDIOSJDKSJDK OMFG!* *worships and will stick on wall*
OMFG im so tired XDD;; and my room is clean WTF;;~ i need to go and stare at my artbooks <3<3<3<3!~~

OMFG *is too tired* I should sort out my room XD;;;
soo yeaahhh *gives link to where photos are*

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