So, I'm sitting at home, with the storm of the century (not really) blowing around outside. Can you say, no school tomorrow? And we just had off for Thanksgiving! Aah, life is sweet! So, I know the movie's been out for over a month now, but I was bored so here's my picspam for HSM3.
The movie starts off with this image. Most girls sigh and squeal and scream "OMG ZEFRON!!" Me: He looks constipated. Oh well.
The Wildcats win. Big surprise there. It was a nice song though, and that is a hell of a lotta red!
Troy and Gabriella go up in his tree house, and sing a song about wanting time to stop. Sweet, Troyella-ish. The following dialogue was pretty funny though. RoboRob?
At school the next day, Sharpay tells Ryan that she wants it all, and she's basically going to use him to get it. One of my favorite dance numbers in this movie. Glamorous, fantasy, and a whole bunch of Lucas-goodness. I loved how all of their friends had a role as well. Very well done!
Almost forgot this one. A funny scene, and about the only scene we got with Zekepay. One-sided, but it's better than nothing!
Troy asks Gabriella to prom. They sing and dance, and she says yes. This was a really great song, but is it me, or did the rooftop garden like magically grown very big over the past two films? Because it seems larger. I don't know, maybe it's just me.
Chad attempts to ask Taylor to prom. Didn't work. So he asks her in front of the entire school, with flowers and all. Unfortunately couldn't find a pic of that, but that was about the only Chaylor scene, but incredibly cute!!!!
So, I saw this scene in a trailer. I just about freaked out!! RYELSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ryan has been my favorite character since the first time I saw the first movie, and Kelsi was probably my second favorite. I was soooo pissed when it was supposedly Ryan/Martha, because I really don't like Martha. So, this scene was probably the best scene in any movie. Ever. Ryelsi is epic. Hat canon!
Just a couple more, because they are so darn cute! I mean, they have a duet together!!!! (Even though Troyella has to ruin it.) Ryan asks her to prom!! (Even though Sharpay told him to.) Because he's such a flirt! Because they are perfect together!!
I'm pretty sure this scene came earlier, but whatever. Another favorite. The lyrics are funny and true. The dancing is amazing! (Go Ryan! Ahem, Kenny.) It's just an awesome scene. Before seeing the movie, I was confused where this fit in, but it works!
Just a few more. Included a few Ryelsi ones. Seriously, when they came down together, and had their little solo thing, I practically broke my seat from bouncing up and down with excitment!! The most surprising part of the movie, but the best!!!
The boys are back!! Very cool scene, lotsa nice Corbin dancing! We need more of that! Little Troy and Chad were about the cutest things ever!!! Very random, very musical-y, great song!
So Gabriella leaves, and Troy is sad. He needs a place to think. So he goes Yeah, not the first place I would go. He runs around, singing, screaming, and tearing down school property (banner.) and throwing the raining basketballs around. Then for the first time EVER someone is singing, when it's not normal to be singing (Troy) and someone hears him (Ms. D) and she acts like it's no big deal. Typical Disney much?
So, real prom time! Troy goes to get Gabriella, (how can his truck, that can't make it up the block, make it to California and back?) Everyone else is at prom. Somehow, Troy and Gabriella are able to magically be at prom, and in California at the same time. Dancing with their friends.
Let's throw in a Ryelsi dance there!
Musical time!! So, another duet with Ryan and Kelsi. Ryan is super flirty. WIN!!!!! Oh, the loveliness of Ryelsi!
Very cool basketball number. Loved the basketball echo-y sounds!
Finally, finally FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A RYAN SOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That took long enough. And the pants? Hot! Only Lucas could pull those off! Although his cat-people are a little strange.
There you go. Proof of weirdness.
So Sharpay and Troy were supposed to have a solo, but Troy wasn't there. So Jimmy stepped in, and pretty much ruined it for Sharpay. That kid is super annoying! Troy and Gabriella show up, save the day, and all the Wildcats are out there singing that they just wanna be with each other. Super sweet. Then Ms. D announces where everyone is going. Ryan and Kelsi are going to Julliard together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *superflyingtacklepounce*
Then they graduate, and they sing the last song ever. Aptly titled, High School Musical.
And so High School Musical is over with. Forever. But not in the fans hearts, where it will live on forever.
This was such a sad scene. I was crying in the movie theatre.
High School Musical is done. But it's on to the next chapter. They are going on with their lives, and so are we.
And we can always hypothesize with what Ryan and Kelsi are up to at Julliard!! *wink wink nudge nudge.*
Ok, I'm done. Hope you enjoyed it!!