Allergic to Texas

Aug 31, 2006 10:36

Seriously my allergies have been so bad this week and I never had allergy problems until I moved to Texas. =( It's not a fun thing to have happen the first week of school.

So I've been to all of my classes and maybe the semester isn't going to be as bad as I had originally thought-it's still going to be hard but I'll survive. I"m really thankful for my theology class (they have proved to be my favourite every semester). Dr. Pyne is really laid back and is about us having a safe place to ask questions and is very gentle and quite challenging. He asked us today why we believe what we believe, not why did/do we believe but just why we keep believing. He just got back from sabbatical so I think he's refreshed in a way. And the pace of class is slow, which I need one of my classes to be like that.

I also started back to counseling today and I love Judy. A couple of people asked me if I was nervous and I was like nope!! Really getting back into counseling was the only thing that I was really looking forward to about the semester. And she understands and she knows me and she's really perceptive. Like she asked me how I was and I don't remember what I said but she said your in heartache right now for Russia. I was like you've hit it spot on and there were other things she just knew. So in this session I got to talk about my trip and how it's so hard being back and going from being way deep in ministry and around non-believers to being back at seminary where that is what consumes most of my time. Towards the end of the session she asked me how long it takes me to get back to my old self after a trip and I told her that I don't think I ever do, even after my first trip 5 years ago to Venezuela I don't think I ever got back to my normal self. There's always that dull ache to go-here I am, Lord send me. One of my friends asked me yesterday what my purpose in being here is b/c she knows my heart is for Russia and I told her that I think it's to learn obedience. That is one of my favourite things about Jesus (Hebrews 5:8) is that even though He was a Son, even though He was/is God, He still had to learn obedience. And you know I don't have a problem being obedient when it's something that I want to do or when I can clearly see the reward or outcome, but when none of those things are there it is a struggle to obey but I suppose that's where faith comes in. Faith in the unseen. Another thing I think I"m learning here is just to get the focus off of myself and learning even more about, to contradict the Switchfoot song, it's not my life. It's not about becoming who I want to be but who the Lord wants me to be. And my life isn't about pleasing myself but my Saviour. So today was a good day, long, but good. I even made a friend.

Well I think I'm going to read a bit and then go back to sleep

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