Go Go Go Go! Go Sarah Goo! Work on that website! Be the little code-monkey that you are! Go Go Go Go!
It's just a temporary site until I can get something better up, but it's better then nothing. =/ My last website crashed and burned when my host pretty much dropped all of his host-ee's and yeah. Which saddens me as it was ten shades of snazzy. Can we say fully functioning Macromedia Flash site? Yeah. I miss it. And my FTP program. And a whole crap ton of other things. T__________T
Anywho this is what I've whipped up so far:
http://doodleplexstudios.webs.com/index.htm And I think RSS feeds are the bane of my existance. I've just spent three hours trying to figure it out. Rrrrr. For my site...for Mario's site...they do not like me. BUT if I can figure out Macromedia Flash...I can figure it out too.
I wanna make moorre nooow for this site even tho it's not as snazzy as I want. I'm so weird! XD But I have a go-see tomorrow so I be a sleep-time bunny now.
...is it odd that I'm this chipper, bouncy, excited and happy over HTML coding/designing? XD Oh I'm such a dork for creativity! <3
(And I greatly apologize for everybody I was talking by either phone or IM, cause I think I was being very loopy. I think I'm a little OCD when it comes to coding. ^_^; )
Over 'n out!
~lil Sarah S.