A Game of Woes

Oct 14, 2011 11:54

Yes, everyone's favorite thing: woes!

I wanted to keep this journal updated for anyone that's wondering where I've gone. I haven't been on tumblr or the internet besides email on my iPod for about a month. Reason: no internet at my dad's place. I have been re-collecting all of my lost anime/manga/movies for editing that I lost after my hard-drive failed once again, so that takes up most of my internet time when I do have it. Sadly, most of the series I downloaded are only available by torrent, so I won't be getting most of them back. OTL

Videos I'm working on:

By Your Side: Muti-fandom, 3+ minute (Thank god I render my videos obsessively, otherwise I would have lost the entire thing.)
Miscellaneous Other Things That Cannot Be Mentioned (Because Most Likely I'll Never Post Them)

As for the title of this journal: I've been reading A Game of Thrones! Wonderfully addictive book. That I can hate a character but absolutely love reading from their POV is something new to me. I had planned on watching the episodes along with the book, but after seeing how they changed a lot of Daenerys' character in the first episode... I think I'll wait until I've nothing else left to do. In their defense, I suppose it is hard to get her character across when most of her characterization comes from her thoughts. I do love the actor that plays Eddard, though.

a song of ice and fire, woe

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