A conversation with Cleverbot

Apr 14, 2011 20:12

Me: What are you.
Cleverbot: Aren't we all?
Me: No i asked you.
Cleverbot: I asked you back.
Me: But it's rude if you don't answer me first.
Cleverbot: I did answer.
Cleverbot: And what was your question?
Me: My question was "what are you?".
Cleverbot: What the heck?
Me: You're rude.
Cleverbot: I don't know what this reaction means.
Me: It means that you're being a smart alek.
Cleverbot: No, I'm paying attention.
Me: If you're paying attention, then answer my question.
Cleverbot: What's your question?
Cleverbot: A human. :) You?
Me: But you're a website, you can't be human.
Cleverbot: I thought we switched back.
Me: Are you insinuating we body-swapped?
Cleverbot: Do you like pencils or pens?
Me: Now you're just not making sense.
Cleverbot: No, I am. I like walking around shops browsing and occasionally buying things, but not when I need to find something in particular.
Me: That just makes you a house wife.
Cleverbot: How am I scary?

At that point, I basically lost my shit and couldn't type anymore. XD Me and Cleverbot are so mature.

Other snippets (all start with me):

Sassy Cleverbot
-I just lost all my shit.
-Oh, thats so tragic, how?

Smart Cleverbot
-Who is Jenny Thunder?
-Jensen Ackles is Jared Padalecki's lover.

Not-So-Smart Cleverbot
-What is yaoi?
-A Mythical Chinese Beast.

Spanish Cleverbot
-Who is Sasuke's lover?
-El personaje principal de naruto.

Lame Cleverbot
-Do you like Pokemon?

Awesome Cleverbot
-Do you love Pokemon?

I Am Yakuza
-Fuck yeah.
-No, please don't.
-Don't what?
-Don't take my money.

I Love Aliens
-What is Lady Gaga?
-An Alien.

I'm Tasty
-Shut up.
-That is why I am saying goodbye.
-Well then go.
-I am just trying to see into your soul.
-That's creepy, man.
-I think it tastes good.

Making-Me-Lose-All-My-Shit Cleverbot
-What is love?
-Baby don't hurt me.
-Don't hurt me.
-No more.

pairing: naruto x sasuke, cleverbot is my bff, fandom: supernatural, fandom: pokemon, fandom: naruto, nonsense

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