Procrastinating is too an art form

Apr 13, 2011 14:46

I'm doing my Japan charity fanvids, and it's making me want to punch my computer. I don't know if it's the way they're coded or something, but these Pandora Hearts episodes are causing so much lag. I literally get to see two frames every ten seconds. WTH, COMPUTER? But I shall prevaaaaaail.

I did get asked to help cheer up someone's friend with a video, though. Been working on that in little snippets. I smile every time I work on it. ♥



The manga took some getting used to, since it was so much like Junjou it hurt. Once I decided to think "fuck it, just enjoy it and shut up, brain" everything was right with the world. And though Kisa and kou are basically a copy of Hiroki and Nowaki I CAN'T HELP BUT LOVE THEM. I can't help but love this entire manga and as;ldfgkfdgh I'm too easy to please. I love getting to read about the workings of the manga industry.

And now it's animated. ;A; So much happy. But then again, bitterness. It'd be awesome if we got to see other types of BL animated besides all the generic, schmoopy, sexualized ones. But then again again, if I get to hear Nakamura Yuuichi voicing more BL then IDGAF. BRING ON THE SCHMOOP. I want that man to narrate dictionaries. Morgan Freeman's already taken the spot to narrate my life.

Also, this:
even though they're almost twice my age, shh

Oh, boys. ♥ After five and a half seasons, you're finally getting the recognition you deserve. I hope Jared doesn't feel left out though, with everyone winning awards but him. D; HOW CAN THEY NOT LOVE THE MOOSE? Friday can't get here soon enough. And I swear, if they're not renewed after all this... -hiss- It's not likely that they won't, but... -frets-

Also, a music recommendation: Keane - Somewhere Only We Know

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go, somewhere only we know...

Weeping. (  ; д;)

fandom: supernatural, fandom: misc, charity, video editing is hard, amv

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