JYJ album showcase in Kuala Lumpur (Part 1)

Oct 19, 2010 18:59

 So this is part 1 of my fan account for the JYJ album showcase. ^^ I'm still in the process of writing part 2. Sorry if it gets too spazzy and random. xD I wasn't able to spazz after the event for various reasons. So it's only beginning to sink in that I finally saw them after so many years.

I debated on whether I should still write a fan account about my trip to Kuala Lumpur for JYJ's showcase. I asked my self if I really wanted to put into words all that I had experience. The trip was definitely a turning point in my life. I made good memories but also many bad ones. So I decided to just write about the pleasant ones that I was able to have.

There were too many things that went on before the showcase. Most of those things, I cannot reveal. Mainly because I don't want to ruin the happy picture that most fans see. I don't want them to start losing faith in the boys. So I'll begin my account with the hours before the show started.

My team got to Stadium Negara at around 9AM. We entered through the backstage so we were the first ones to see the venue. It was small. Smaller than Araneta Colesium. But still big enough to hold a large number of fans. Besides, it allowed the VIP seats to be set up closer to the stage. From the backstage, we crossed the venue and exited through the front gate. We were supposed to go to the Redstar booth. But the Marctensia guys were just about to bring in the tables to our tent. So I had a chance to look around for a few minutes. Our friends were already there as well as thousands of other fans. Some of them even camped out the night before. There weren't any covered area outside the stadium so I really pitied the fans who had to stay under the heat of the sun.

After we set-up, fans began to claim the remaining VIP tickets. Within the next hour, the booth for the albums were also set-up. Since I was really busy with the ticket collection, I asked my friends to get the JYJ albums that I had to buy. The next few hours were tiring. We had to deal with all kinds of fans. Needless to say, all of us just wanted the show to begin already.

According to our friends who went to the airport, JYJ arrived around 12NN. They arrived at the stadium around 1PM. They were supposed to let the fans in by 12NN. But the boys were late and they still had to rehearse. Soundcheck and rehearsals lasted until around 2:30PM. It was only then they fans were allowed in. The show was supposed to start at 2PM so everything was being rushed. By 2:00PM, we closed the Redstar booth and went inside. The boys were still rehearsing then. So we were able to watch them.

I must say it was quite a surreal experience. I've been a fan of TVXQ since 2006. But that was the first I saw any of them. They were all…GORGEOUS LIKE IDEK. haha. I couldn't believe that they were actually there. In front of me looking all hot and exuding aura that said YEAH WE'RE HOTTER THAN HELL. GO AHEAD AND BASK IN OUR GLORY. My God. Idek how to properly describe then. Definitely 3 of the most beautiful people to walk this earth.

They were very good-looking but I noticed Jaejoong the most. I'm sorry, Yoochun. I love you but your soulmate is just so farking fine it should be illegal. >___> I don't even remember what YooSu were wearing. But I can clearly remember that Jaejoong was wearing jeans, shades and a black wife beater. His arms were just unreal, I swear. O____O JAE-GUNS. I actually think that he has better arms than Siwon. /SHOT. Yes, his arms were that perfect. (Sorry I will probably abuse the words PERFECT GORGEOUS AMAZING HOT SEXY EPIC and other similar terms in this fan account.) I drool. But yeah, Jaejoong. OH JAEJOONG. He's not as skinny as I thought. He was all lean and long muscles. :Q_____ The arms. THE ARMS. I cannot stress enough how EPIC his arms are. Jaejoong was really the only one I noticed during rehearsals. Okay kill me now. HUHUHU. YooSu, I'm sorry.

They practiced all the songs for the showcase so we got to hear all 6 songs before everyone else. >:D And I'm surprised that I'm still alive right now. THEY CAN SING. LIKE OH GOD, EVERYTHING ELSE, EVERY OTHER SOUND WILL BE NOISE NEXT TO THIS (except when it's the 5 of them singing of course). DEAR LORD THANK YOU FOR THESE HEAVENLY CREATURES AND THEIR PERFECT VOICES.

We went back to the Redstar VIP room before they started letting the fans in. We would've been crushed if we stayed outside. Fans were already annoyed and they just wanted to get to their places. So most of them we're pushing and shoving each other. Not a pretty sight, I tell you. But by around 2:45PM most of the fans were already settled. The show started soon after that.

Since I saw them during the rehearsals, I didn't go as wild like the fans around me. But the whole stadium erupted into this crazy, screaming frenzy when they emerged from the stage. Everyone was like OMG AHHHHHHHKKKKK OMFFGGGGG IT'S THEMMM LAHHHHH JYJ GAHHHHH. lol. Even the Bigeast ahjummas were spazzing like mad. Haha.

They're first song was Empty. My favorite song in the album, yo! When Yoochun sang the first line, "GIRL I SWEAR…" I died. As in fark I melted into a puddle of goo. His voice was just so sexy and for a guy who loves to smoke, he sounded really awesome. Chunface did not disappoint. For Jaejoong, well there's really nothing I can say expect PERFECT PERFECT. It was obvious why he's the lead vocals of TVXQ. He effortlessly hit every note. /spazz. Junsu, ah Junsu, is not human. God, when he did that high note near the end, I got goosebumps. Just omg I love his voice forever. And he could dance like hell. Yunho I love you. But sometimes I think that Junsu is a better dancer. /BRICKED. He was wearing harim pants so I couldn't really see the duckbutt. But he's got the moves, mannnn~ He can grind like there's no tomorrow. But watching Junsu dance is like watching a professional dancer doing his thing. His moves are timed to the beat, seamless and well-executed. Jaejoong isn't as good as Junsu. But when he moves, it's like his body is saying COME HERE AND FUCK ME. Sorry for the term but OMG Jaejoong is really sex on legs. OH GAWD HAVE MERCY ON MY FANGIRL HEART. He was oozing with sex appeal I though the stage was going to burst into flames coz of his hotness. He was wearing a vest with nothing underneath and shizz I wanted those arms to embrace me and never let go. Yoochun isn't one to be left behind too. He could easily keep up with Junsu. And he made these expressions that were just so SEXY I could cry. ;_; Huhuhuhuhu. And omg the chunforehead is so sexy gahhhh I can't even remember why I thought I was going to laugh when I see it. D: Yoochun really pulled off his hairstyle.

I loved how the three of them had equal exposure. None of them outshines the others. They all had their moments but I was able to equally focus on each of them during the song.

kpop!dbsk, dbsk!jaejoong, tvxq!jyj, dbsk!junsu, dbsk!yoochun

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