Jan 06, 2005 13:52
i am now employed by Whole Foods!
i am the salad bitch which tosses my own salad!
i will be in charge of chopping, mixing, tossing all of the little ingredients which go into their kick ass salad bar...if you have not experienced this place, YOU MUST!!! everything is freshly prepared and filled with organic yumminess! Unfortunately, due to the state of Alabama being behind times and controlled by Wal~mart(S), there are no "Whole Foods"...if you are ever in the Atlanta area or even in the state of Georgia...GO...it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside...this now leads to "10 reasons why me likes whole foods"...
1. first store- Austin, Texas (enough said)
2. diverse- they have people from all backgrounds and lifestyles...i'm sorry but the average, white, english speaking bible-thumper gets old...which means...i can be myself (the cute dorky lesbo wearing plaid)
3. your domestic partner gets his/her/it's own 20% off discount card
4. best mother fucking cookies i have ever had in my life
5. it smells good when you walk in
6. happy workers
7. you can eat while you shop...they have samples every five feet
8. gourmet pizza makers (brandees favorite)
9. the world's largest "cheeses from around the world" section...they have cheese chunks larger than babies!
10.salads damn it!