Memery cause I've little else to say

Jul 19, 2010 23:52

last cigarette: Never.

last kiss: About an hour ago, when I left the pub.

last good cry: Good cry? Uh, maybe a week ago? Fucking hormones.

last library book checked out: A first edition of Thus Spake Zarathustra, among other things.

last movie seen: Inception. It's quite good - I reccommend it if you're considering it.

last book read: I'm currently reading the Sherlock Holmes I treated myself to the other day.

last cuss word uttered: I said fuck you to Will as a goodbye.

last beverage drank:  Red Bull.

last food consumed: Pie. Omnomnom.

last phone call: Dave.

last tv show watched: True Blood. Judge all you want, I've always had a soft spot for softcore vampire porn.

last shoes worn: Green converse.

last cd played: Slipknot, surprisingly enough. :p

last item bought: The aforementioned Red Bull.

last downloaded: Uh... I think I was stealing shitty books that I don't want to pay for.

last annoyance: My damn phone deciding it doesn't want to send text messages. To anyone.

last disappointment: The damn landlords taking a week to call back about important things that need repairing in our house.

last soda drank: Orange fizzy shit.

last thing handwritten: Random idea for a story in my journal.

last word spoken: "I'll talk to you online in a second. Bye."

last sleep: Last night, oddly enough.

last im: Dave.

last weird encounter: God knows. Probably a randomer in Corp on Saturday.

last ice cream eaten: Chocolate. In milkshake form.

last amused: Will reminding me of Ye Olden In Jokes. It's only funny cause I've not been reminded of them in a while. It won't be funny in a couple days when he's spamming my Facebook/this post with them or something.

last time wanting to die: Few days ago. And again, I say a hearty fuck you to hormones.

last time in love: Right now. Times a few.

last time hugged: Just now when Chris turned up.

last time scolded: Uh... Probably when I had that argument with my Mum and ran away to Sheffield.

last chair sat in: This one. In the IC.

last lipstick used: The only lipstick I have ever owned a good couple of years ago.

last top worn: Black Evil Scarecrow shirt.

current clothes: Aforementioned shirt, blue jeans, green converse and socks, and some underwear that the majority of my flist probably don't want to know about.

current mood: Alright, actually.

current music: People talking in the IC and the rhythmic sound of fingers on crappy keyboards.

current taste: None.

current hair: Needs a cut. Needs dyeing.

current smell: ....the IC is scentless.

current thing I should be doing: There's probably something responsible and grown up I'm avoiding. Also laundry.

current refreshment: None.

current worry: The thing that I should probably be doing. The slow realisation that I have to grow up when my final year is done. The horror that people I know are already doing just that.

current happiness: Hugs. Stealing nets. Talking to people about nerdy things. New house. College reunion impending.
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