*its 2 oh 0 six*

Jan 03, 2006 22:30

Well, it is 0fficially 2006. And this is g0ing to be an amazing year. I graduate this year, and that is....well scary as crap!! L0L

anyway..........lets see what all has been g0ing 0n here lately......well first 0ff, Pj left for L0uisianna this m0rning at 8:15 this m0rning, and I cried a l0t. I did m0st of the crying last night th0. We had a little....i d0n't kn0w what y0u w0uld call it.....whether it be a spat 0r a fight...but lets n0t g0 int0 any detail ab0ut that. Heck f0r all i kn0w, it c0uld have been all my dang fault....

s0 anyway....this break has been a l0t 0f fun....c0nsidering I have spent the wh0le thing with Pj. He is the m0st w0nderful guy any girl c0uld have!! He w0uld give me the shirt 0ff 0f his back if i needed it. I can't wait f0r him t0 get back h0me s0 we can spend m0re time t0gether. We need t0 get t0 kn0w each 0ther much better than we d0. The first tw0 nights that I talked t0 him, I talked t0 him f0r 0ver an hour and a half each night. That takes tallent t0 stay up till tw0 0r three in the m0rning talking t0 a guy....l0l....f0r me anyway. I have never been s0 crazy f0r s0me0ne as I am him. I kn0w that s0unds crazy since we have 0nly been "talking" since Christmas Eve 0r a day 0r s0 bef0re then. I am waaaaay t0 attached t0 him already, I didn't want him t0 leave and I still can't believe he is g0ne. Y0u guys just d0n't even kn0w h0w much I really like him. I really d0 aNd I just can't help it!! I wish that we c0uld spend f0rever t0gether!!

Well, It is getting kind 0f late, s0 I am g0ing t0 g0 to bed!!

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