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Jul 08, 2009 03:27

In-Character Information
Name : Smeargle Doburu
Game/Series: Poker Facemons
Age & Grade Level: 15, Sophomore

Personality: A pup at heart, but to a controlled sense, Smeargle is one of those infamous pokemon who're the only one of their kind to be able to express themselves with an unlimited amount of ink in their tails. (Yes I'm talking about the species of Smeargle. o_o; ) She'll keep her mouth shut to a conversation unless needed to give input, or if she's actually being apart of said conversation.

Normally she'll keep to herself, hanging back in the back of crowds and taking things in instead of getting INTO the situation and trying to give out feedback. Whenever she's in a comfortable atmosphere, she begins to open up, speaking normally, and being a generally well toned girl.

Smeargle can become very flustered or very embarrassed for the tiniest things (such as making a mistake, or something in that area), stuttering is a habit that she'll never drop. It's become controlled, but she will still do it.

She's very expressive of her emotions, and isn't afraid to tell how she is, or what's wrong with her without a moment of thought. She hates being sad, and she defiantly doesn't like it when she sees other people sad. She'll keep her nose out of their business unless they tell, and she tries her hardest to make them be happy.

As an artist, she's also very expressive. She loves to draw, one of her accessories she keeps on her at all times is a sketchbook and a utensil to draw with. She's always doodling her ideas, and whenever she gets bored of things.. (Which may or may not be why almost all of her papers she turns into teachers, near the ends they're covered in doodles and such)

Backstory: Born and raised in the secluded safety of the Ruins of Alph, just as any other Smeargle or Natu around, Smeargle grew up as just a normal child should. Being the last child, she was spoiled by her mother and father, and her two older brothers loved and protected her to death. It..it was normal, right?

Nope, it wasn't all that much of a normal family. Despite the fact her mother was a Smeargle, her father was NOT, no..he was a run-away Typlosion. His old trainer wasn't one who would have been considered the kindest, and while they were stationed at the Ruins of Alph, he ran off from his trainer. At first, the Smeargle and the Natu didn't really even want to accept the poor runaway, but they found out how powerful he was, and they had him as a "guard" so to speak.

They still never really accepted him for who he was, and it had always caused some unintentional drama for the family..especially little Smeargle. She was a naturally gifted Smeargle, her talent was a rapid growth, alas, no one knew of it. The other little Smeargle pups had shunned her away from playing reindeer games being apart of the big group. She didn't really mind it too much, to be honest.

The real bad shunning and taunting didn't really happen until Smeargle was still very young. When she was only six years old, her family went out on a picnic off along the routes of Route 38, to see the sites without going TOO far from home. All was well, and everyone was at peace. Little Smee was a tad antsy, so she went off to explore a little. Pity her, it was upon her mistake to even run off. She went off too far, and when she had actually found something interesting, it was an..oran berry? She decided to take it back to her family, just out of random kindness. While she was about to pick it up, one of her brothers was on her trail, just to keep an eye out for her.

The true brute who was collecting berries showed himself when he saw her take the berry. A houndour lunged out to attack her, claws ready to slash into her to release it. Her brother jumped to try to stop him, but he miscalculated, she missed the major part of the attack, alas..the girl still suffered damage from the attack. She was imediatly taken back to her parents, who in turn rushed her to medical care. They returned to the Ruins after she was released from the center. She healed just fine, minus the fact that where a Smeargle's pawprint usually rested when they had entered adulthood, three scars were planted firmly onto her back. A few weeks of being back in her natural habitat, she began to notice a few changes through everything.

For one, her ink color had changed dramatically over a period of a few days. It had turned a solid black color, instead of it's normal green that everyone else had possesed. Everyone noticed it, and they kept a small distance between her, and it really made her feel rather sad about it. She grew with this, until she had turned fourteen. At that age, her parents had seen that she was pretty tired of everything that the other Smeargle had thrown at her. She deserved better than that.. They searched for a while, and they found an advertisement for Sumabura. They talked it over..and decided to ship her off.

Smeargle didn't take this too kindly, to be honest. She didn't like this at all.. For a good chunk of her time here, she ended up being such a recluse. She didn't want to get into any of the activities, she didn't want to really do anything but attend school like a good little pup. She actually found out how nice people could really be when she gave them a chance.. these people were actually accepting her for who she was, and not because of how she looked.

Slowly but surely, this changed her outlook upon everything. From attending classes to meeting new friends, and..heck, even an enemy or two, but she really didn't think of them like that! She expressed her talent of art quite a lot throughout the school year as a freshman. Her talent actually flourished with all of the active doodling and such that she had done, and all of the times she'd lent her tail in use to redecorate an office or something in that area.

Friends came, friends left, she still felt the same.. Teachers impacted her life for the better or the worst, and she, overall, was quite happy to of been enrolled after a year of attending. Sophomore year started..and then she was quite shocked at what happened. She thought she'd been the happiest girl in the world on her fifteenth birthday, she was just about to go out to the city to celebrate, when her eldest brother came by to pick her up to take her back to the Ruins.

Devastation and absolute anger coursed through her veins. She couldn't say no to her brother, but..it was painful. Terribly painful. They left the city with only her small goodbyes to those who were able to, and they were back at Johto before she knew it. She had literally begged her parents for her to return. She herself quoted that she "needed to go back, she had just started a new year and it wasn't as bad as she thought it was when she had first joined the school that very year ago.."

They pondered it for a good long while (IE; a day?)..and then they decided to let her return. She was quite overjoyed with returning, no doubt about that!

Anything Else?: -I forget her level..a lot. But her moveset's Sketch, Flamethrower, Bite and Protect. So nyah. `w`(\
-Naive Natured..and it gets the best of her. (Hapilly eats anything and yes she does.)
-She still remembers her gijinka. o_o;
-Kiprensky returns as one of the derpy NPCs I have, uhm.. yeah.
-I will keep the puppy refs and shit like that to a minimum. :I I noticed it was a leeetttlee much....
-Always on the blushy side, especially around ~*boooyyys*~ nyar~ But that'll never leave the derpy girl. Nope nope. `w`
-Uhh idk I'm happy to be back so yeah.

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