I'm not crying. It's just been raining on my face.

Mar 14, 2008 14:31

So yesterday was interesting. Ben had sent me a text early that morning about Tiger Lily. Neither of us had seen her in awhile. She is a very independent cat, but usually makes an appearance a couple times of day. I hoped she was just hiding out. She has ran outside a couple of times, but always seemed to want to go right back inside, and I usually noticed right away when she did it.
Anywhoo, Ben got home before I did and went to look for her and couldn't find her. I pretty much lost my shit. I was worried that she was hurt or dead or lost somewhere and couldn't find home. It was raining so I envisioned her as a little soaking wet cat-ball. I've never had an animal run away or get lost and so I really got a taste of how that feels.
We started looking around outside for her, and I had an inclination to go in the backyard, but since we have a gate I figured she wouldn't be able to go back there. Ben started talking to our neighbor, and I was still looking to see if she was hiding in some bushes in front of our house.

He heard faint mewing coming from bushes on the edge of our backyard, next to the neighbor's. There in a kind of rabbit cubby hole, was Tiger Lily, crying her little heart out. She wasn't even wet from the rain.

I was so relieved. This little cat is my baby, I picked her out as a kitten and she has become very dear to me. She seems okay, is back to her old bratty self, but I will definitely be watching her more closely from now on.

Then I tried to make dinner and was going to cook some eggrolls. I thought I was turning on the oven to pre-heat it. Instead I turned on the burner and walked away. The box of eggrolls and a starbucks coffee cup caught on fire and filled the whole kitchen with smoke. That whole part of the house still smells like smoke dispite our opening all the windows.

At that point, I just gave up. It had been a crappy day at work, I hadn't slept, and with everything else it was too much.

On the plus side, today has been much better. We had nachos at work with all the trimmings.

puppy, tiger lily, pets

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