that was a scary couple of hours

May 10, 2004 15:13

no internet access! and of course I thought of all sorts of clever things I could be posting in here. allergies are working up and my eyes are all dry. so that's what you get instead.
last night poor Robbie had to hang out with Heidi and me, because none of the other boys from work showed up watch Tom Cruise's glaring disapointment, aka "The Last Samurai." Sorry, Tom it's no Gladiator. But it is good to make fun of.

Heidi thinks I should get a Guinea Pig as well, so we can have Merry and Pippin. What if Merry's a girl and we have too many babies, or Merry eats Pippin? That could be bad for business.

This girl I was working with until yesterday was so freaking annoying, she used Circuit City as a personal dating service. Plus we have an ongoing argument over who is the hottest hobbit. (psst...merry!)

movies, heidi, pets

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