So, im luuuvin the college life. Im also very happy that we now have a tv and a fridge in here, and that my msmc email, web advisor, blackboard, aaaaaaand my printer are working AT THE SAME TIME! lol. im really pissed though that almost everything this school does is through the internet and their email and web advisor never work! people are always having trouble.
I also love the fact that most people here are catholic lol. and so ..... they agree with me on most things, and talk shit about all the stupid things that are happening here in america lol. my roommate is more impatient than me lol. and if most of you have driven with me you would kno how impatient i am. and my roommate is worse lol.
Jonathan visited me last night!!!!
veto it damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gettin sick of this shit; gone on too long
we have a great view of the cafeteria lol
it kind of sucks not having a head board