Title: Unsure
doodee05Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Doojoon/ Hyunseung
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Its short and idk
‘I wanna know you’
Hyunseung laughs not really knowing what Doojoon means by that.
‘You already know me pretty well don’t you?’
Hyunseung says curling up closer to Doojoon. They’re in bed right now, just like any other night after having sex, but Doojoon feels like talking and this isn't normal. Hyunseung tenses up a bit.
‘You know what I mean… I wanna know you; I wanna know your mind’
Doojoon smiles and puts a hand on seung’s hair then moves his hand to play with his ear. Hyunseung feels uncomfortable at the intimacy and the way Doojoon’s eyes sparkle with something he can’t quite recognize. But it feels weird and Hyunseung is pulling away…
Hyunseung is getting up now, he feels awkward and he needs to go, he needs to get out of this place, this mess… Truth is he doesn't know how to answer Doojoon’s question
He looks around for his clothes mumbling ‘I thought we agreed this would be strictly platonic, you know no attachments, no feelings…
Hyunseung starts getting dressed now and Doojoon is getting worried. He quickly gets off the bed and walks towards Hyunseung because he doesn't want him to go, he’s afraid he will just leave and he really doesn't want him to.
‘What if I said that I wanted more from you, more than this?’
And Hyunseung feels his world spinning and he’s aware that he’s shaking but he can’t stop it, he’s not supposed to feel like this. Why am I feeling like this?
‘What is it that you want from me?’ I can’t give you more than this…I can't?
Hyunseung swallows thickly and he hates himself for feeling like this, but he feels even worse for not saying anything.
But Doojoon is wrapping his arms around his waist and he can feel himself getting dizzy at the intensity of the moment and the way Doojoon is looking at him expectantly. It gets harder to breathe.
So Hyunseung decides to look Doojoon in the eyes and he realizes he made a mistake. He can feel Doojoon pouring out his feelings and it’s getting to be too much. Hyunseung lets out a shaky breathe because yes he is scared.
So Doojoon holds on to him tightly and Hyunseung has never felt more safe, more secure and somehow this feels absolutely perfect. He likes the security that Doojoon brings him and he also likes the way he is leaning in and he is taking his lips. The kiss is soft and sweet and he thinks he could die this very instant because he had never been kissed like that. Sure he has kissed numerous people before and he had kissed Doojoon no doubt, but this feels different. It feels warm and soft and perfect and Hyunseung feels like he could get used to this. He loves it.
‘So what do you say?’ Doojoon asks him and for a second he forgot what the question was in the first place.
Hyunseung lets out a breathy laugh. ‘I said yes, Doojoon, yes. Hyunseung leans in to kiss him again and he thinks he could never get enough of this.