Title: Only you and Me
doodee05Genre: Romance
Pairing: Doojoon/ Hyunseung
Raiting: PG-13
Summary: Well I missed dooseung and i needed to write something else, this is just weird so yeah.
You and I we stay like this always
Nothing ever changes
Nothing passes
Nothing moves
Nothing ever changes
You and I we stay the same
We never age
Never grow old
For we live in
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I can't help stop loving Dooseung!! They are soooo
>_< Love everything you write! U're awsome! byeee~~~
I know, dooseung is ajhsdkadhhasfh!..
And the fics about them are scarce!! Too bad~~
But we have u.. With this greats shots!!
So fighting! ^^
ikr? that's why i wanna keep writing them and so that awesome ppl like you can read them ^^
thanks a lot! :)
*throwing flowers to u...
U deserve dooseung agyo spam!
Oh come on, u're a sweetie!!!
^_^ As i said, here is your fan nº 1!
dooseung aegyo kills me every time xD
thank you thank you for being my #1 fan!!! n__n
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