Title: The First Step
doodee05Genre: Romance
Pairing: Doojoon/Hyunseung (DooSeung)
Rating: PG - 13
Disclaimer: its mine?
Summary: I really don't know where this came from, i was bored and i was thinking about dooseung and feelings and what not.
Just another day...
I look in your direction, our eyes meet, there’s a known and uncomfortable silence between us, we both wanna say something, but we can’t.
But then our moment is over, we both look away.
There’s so many things I wanna say to you, but we both already know, don’t we? But there’s this fear haunting us, this feeling of going way too deep and never be able to get out.
But, is that what you want?
And if I told you that I wanted that too, what wold you say? Will you accept?
And would you even stay if i asked you to? And will you be there if i need you to?
Will you pick up the pieces?
And if you feel the same way, would you let me know? Or do I have to get the truth put of you? Will I be waiting forever until you wanna say it? I don't know, forever seems too far away. But you know what, im sure you wanna say it, I think you wanna say it. But then again none of us want to be the first, none of us wants to be the first to make that step. That step that’ll change everything as we know it. Life will be so hard and yet so easy.
Is it that we’re scared, are we scared of forever? Or are we scared of ruining what we have rn, which is basically nothing in comparison to what we’ll gain. Are we afraid of what they'll think?
But I don't wanna be afraid anymore.
Will you let me know your feelings, or should I show them first?...
And then you look at me again and that’s when I know.
I'm ready.
I'm ready for this.
Will you be ready with me?
And so I take a step forward and I reach you and you don’t hesitate and I smile cause we finally found each other, we met in the middle, is that what we wanted or is that what we needed? Either way is what we got and I'm happy for it.
I was tired of pretending
I was tired of this nothingness
I was tired of being numb
I was tired of the reason...
But most of all, I was tired of not having you.
And so I look into your eyes and I lean in and kiss your lips softly.
‘Doo’ you whisper into the kiss ‘Please don’t let me go’
‘Never, Hyunseung-ah, never’ I say softly