Feb 26, 2006 10:48
You are...
[ ] tall
[] in between
[*] short
[* ]blonde
[] redhead
[] black
[] blue-eyed
[*] brown-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] hazel eyed
[ ] gold eyed
[ ] grey eyed
[*] glasses
[ ] contacts
[ ] braces
[ ] freckles
[*] piercings.
[ ] tattoos
[ ] long hair
[ ] short hair
[*] med. hair
Your nationality includes...
[ ] chinese
[ ] indian
[ ] taiwanese
[ ] japanese
[ ] hispanic
[ ] nicoya
[ ] puerto rican
[ ] chicana
[ ] italian
[ *] scottish
[ ] filipino
[* ] dutch
[ *] french
[* ] irish
[ ] greek
[ ] portuguese
[* ] polish
[ ] korean
[ ] jamacian
[*] canadian
[ ] lithuanian
[*] Native American
[ ] Russian
[*] British
[ ] Danish
[ ] African
[ ] Scandanavian
[ ] Armenian
[ ] Finish
[* ]Other
Your favorite color(s) are?
[ ] red
[*] pink
[ ] yellow
[] black
[ ] green
[*] blue
[ ] white
[ ] silver
[● ] purple
[ ] brown
[] orange
Some sports/physical things you have done?
[ ] soccer
[*] cheerleading
[*] dancing
[ ] lacrosse
[ ] field hockey
[ ] hockey
[*] football
[ ] softball
[ ] wrestling
[ ] gymnastics
[ ] track/cross country
[ ] basketball
[ ] baseball
[*] volleyball
[] golf
[*] playing in the mudd
[*] playing music[school choir or band]
[ ] hiking
[ ] kayaking
[*] camping
[*] horseback riding
[ ] marching band
[ ] good ole' fashion sex!!!!! HAHA!
Your personality is sometimes...
[*] annoying
[*] talkative
[*] shy
[*] funny
[*] serious
[*] bubbly
[*] spazzy
[*] fun loving
[*] laid back
[ ] strict
[*] hyper
[*] weird
The music you like is?
[ ] rap
[*] rock
[*] pop
[*] country
[ ] hip hop
[*] r&b
[ ] slow jams
[ ] Christian
[ ] classical
[*] techno
[*] oldies
[*] the 80s
[] emo
[] Metal
[ ] Latin
[*] 90's
[] musicals
The pets you have are?
[*] dog
[ ] lizard
[ ] rat
[ ] ferret
[ ] rabbit
[] fish
[] Birds
[ ] other
Clothes you like to wear are?
[ ] plain tshirts
[*] sweatshirts
[ ] stockings
[ ] high heels
[ ] boots
[*] sneakers
[*] jeans
[*] pj pants
[] boxers
[*] underwear
[ ] dresses
[*] mini skirts
[ ] long skirts
[ ] watches
[*] necklace
[*] hoop earring(s)
[] toe socks
[*] flip flops
[*] halter tops
[ ] stilletos
[ ] band shirts
[*] shorts
[*] sleeve-less
How do you like to wear your hair?
[*] down
[*] ponytail
[] pigtails
[*] messy bun
[*] half ponytail
[*] scrunched/curly
[*] bun
[ ] crimped
[ ] with a bandana
[ ] French braids
[] lots of little braids
[ ] Gel
[ ] hat
[ ] messy hot guy hair
[ ] sex hair
[ ] fohawk...a fake mohawk
You eat?
[ ] dessert every night
[ ] no meat
[ ] diet stuff
[*] healthy foods
[*]junk foods
[*] a lot of carbs
[ ] lots of meat
[*] salad
[*] seafood
[*] Mountain Dew
A typical friday night...
[] mall with your friends
[*] partying
[*] watching movies
[] going to the club
[*] staying home
[*] babysitting and getting $$
[*] hanging out w/ my friends
[*] hanging out w/ your boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] working while your friends are out having fun
[ ] dont do much
Currently you are...
[*] in a relationship =]
[ ] single and lovin it
[ ] crushing
[ ] single and looking for someone
[ ] just broke up... and so sad about it
[ ] single
Online, you use:
[*] lol
[ ] sup
[*] =D
[*] lmao
[*] stfu
[*] ty
[*] j/k
[*] ttyl
[*] g2g
[ ] ^^
[ ] T_T
[ ] x_x
[ ] ^_^
Did you like this survey?
[ ] yeah
[ ] no!
[*] it was ok
[*] it was something to do
[ ] it made my life
HAVE YOU EVER..........
1. kissed your cousin: lmao no
2. Ran away: nah
3. Broken someones heart: no comment
4. Been in love: yes
5. Cried when some one died: yes
6. Wanted someone you no you cant have: yeah
7. Broke a bone: no
8. Drank alcohol: yes
9. Lied: yes
10.Cried in school: yes
11. coke or pepsi: pepsi
12. sprite or 7-up: sprite
13. Girls or guys:guys
14. Flowers or candy:flowers
15. Scruff or clean-shaven:?
16. Quiet or loud: loud
17. Blondes or brunettes: both!
18.Bitchy or slutty: bitchy
19.Tall or short: tall
20.Pants or shorts: pants
21.What do you notice first: Smiles & eyes
22.Last person u slow danced with: lmfao alec because it was a dare.
23.Whats the worst question 2 ask:idn
THE LAST TIME.............
24.Showered: last night
25.Had sex: never
26.Cried: Monday
27. Your good luck charm:i dont really know
28. Person u hate the most: i dont hate anybody.theres just ppl i choose to not be around
29. The best thing that has happened?: lots of things.
30.Color: pink
31.Movie:the notebo0k
32.Subject:social studies
33.Juice: dunno
34.Cars: 2005 mustang =]]]]
35.Ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
37.breakfast: i dont do breakfast usually...but bacon&eggs =]
38.Makes you laugh the most:Brian
39.Makes you smile:hehe brian
40.Can make you feel better no matter what:Brian =]
41.Has a crush on you:hopefully brian lol
42.Do u have a crush on:Yup
43.Has it easier guy or girls: guys...FOR SURE!
44.Gives you a funny feeling when you c them: no
DO YOU EVER.................
45. Sit by the phone waiting for someone to call all night: =[ last night.
46. Save msn convos: no
47. Save e-mails:nah
48. Wish u were sum one else: naw i got it good i think
49. Wish u were a member of the opposite sex: no
50.Cologne: Abercrombie Fierce
51.Perfume: Paris Hilton
53.Romantic memory: dont feel like thinking.
54.Most recent advice given to you:not sure
HAVE YOU...............
55. Fallen for ur best friend: oops
56. Made out with just a friend: no
60. Used someone: nah
61. Been used: yeah
62. Cheated on someone:no
63. Been cheated on:no
64. Had sex: no
65. Done something u regret: yes
66. U touched:i dont remember
67. U talked to: my brother
68. U hugged:Brian
69. U imed:Taylor
70. U yelled at:Brandon
71. U kissed: no comment
72. U laughed with: dont feel like thinking
73. Who broke ur heart:no comment
74. Who told u they loved u: Brian
DO YOU......
76. Color ur hair: yea
have tatoos:psh
Have peircings: yes mam
79. Have a girlfriend/boyfriend/both: boyfriend
80. Own a webcam: yah
82. Ever get off tha damn comp: every once in a while
HAVE YOU ...........
86. Stolen anything: dont think so
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Brian
2: Megan
3: Nikki
Three Things I love:
Three Things I hate:
1:cheese [gross]
2: Lying, even when i do it- it sucks
3:people with too much pride
Three things on my desk:camera,speakers,computer
Three things I'm doing right now:
1:on myspace
2:doing this
3:missing brian =/
01. Last Cigarette:Haha,I wouldnt know how to smoke one even if I tried.So there for NEVER!
02. last cry:Monday
03. Last Library Book Checked Out:lmfao i dont read
04. last movie:big mammas house 2
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre:big mammas house2
06. Last Book Read: psh
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered:?
08. Last Beverage Drank:i dont no i just woke up
09. Last Food Consumed:Cant remember
11. Last TV Show Watched:Wild n out
12. Last Time Showered:last night
13. Last Shoes Worn: tennies =P
14. Last CD Played: one that nick burned me
15. Last Soda Drank:i dont drink pop
16. Last Thing Written:i dont no
17. Last Words Spoken:yes mother
18. Last Sleep:Last night
19. Last IM:The conference Im in
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: its been awhile..so Idk
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: ...
23. Last Lipstick:when i was like 4 and in a dance recital
24. Last Time Dancing:The dance @ school
25. Last Show Attended: what kinda show?
26. Last Big Car Ride:last night
27. Last Crush: brian
28. Last Annoyance:brother
39. Last Disappointment:my brother takeing my crap
30. Last Time Scolded:@ my mom
32. Last Web Site Visited: livejournal.com
08. What do you think of stretched earlobes? disgusting
01. you have a crush on someone = Brian
02. you wish you could live somewhere else = Yes
03. you think about suicide = sometimes..then I think about the life ahead of me.
04. you believe in online dating = no
05. others find you attractive = I dont know
06. you want more piercings =no
07. you drink = only when my parents let me on like special occasions: new years eve,christmas ((but its like not even half a can))
08. you do drugs =Heck No!
09. you smoke = nope
10. you like cleaning = Sometimes when Im in the cleaning mood
11. you like roller coasters =Yup
12. you write in cursive or print = print
+ long distance relationships = agenst
+ using someone = against
+ suicide = against
+ killing people = against
+ teenage smoking =against
+ doing drugs =against
+ driving drunk = against
+ gay/lesbian relationships =Whatever these ppl wanna do with there lifes...its nasty though
+ soap operas = never watch them so it dont matter.
+ song =every time we touch
+ thing to talk about =bunches of stuff
+ sports =volleyball,football
+ drinks =Pepsi
+ clothes =Abercrombie&hollister
+ movies = chick flick movies
+ shampoo do you use = lmfao i dont no
+ shoes do you wear = flip flops,tennis shoes
+ are you scared of =spiders..different stuff
# of times you have been in love?Bunches of times(I have thought)
# of times you have had your heart broken? seems like all the time.
# of hearts you have broken?Not sure
# of drugs taken illegally?None
# of people you consider your enemies?well...
# of scars on your body?dunno
# of things in your past that you regret?100000000000
+ disney movie =Finding Nemo
+ word =Omg!
+ nickname = dunno
+ eye color =Blue
+ flower=Pink Roses
+ piercing =ears
+ actor =dunno
+ actress =Lindsey Lohan